News Letter EUGENE RC AERONAUTS | ![]() |
EUGENE RC AERONAUTS Volume 2, Issue 11 November 2006 EUGENE RC AERONAUTS — MEETING - TUESDAY November 28, 2006 Meeting Start Time 7:00 PM —Meeting at EWEB community room, north side of the fountain. This is the last meting for 2006. ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 2007— The following members mare nominated during our October 24, 2006 meeting. We will be voting at this meeting. For President — Frank Blain, Khoi Tran, Patrick Willis For Vice President — Bill Hollingsworth, Mel Thompson Sec/Tres — Al Barrington 2007 CLUB DUES AND AMA MEMBERSHIP — This is just a reminder that dues for 2007 Club Membership will be collected starting at our January 23, 2007 meeting. Please plan on paying up at this meeting as we need to build up our club coffers as I know we will want some further improvements at our field. Don’t forget to renew your AMA membership as we need proof of renewal to issue you a 2007 dub card. NEW MEMBERS - We are on a roll with our new field now. What will allow us to keep up with our maintenance and future improvements are more members. Let’s make It a goal for all current members to see if you can get one new member to Join in 2007. CARL HENSON FIELD -Thanks to Chuck O’Donnell for sending in pictures to Bruce Nelson VP District XI AMA. If you did not note take a look at Model Aviation November 2006 issue pg. 172. Our well drilling crew and fun fly pictures made the AMA publication. DEDICATED MEMBER - Our club is very fortunate to have Doug McWha. The effort that Doug puts into the care and maintenance of our field is never ending. The field is always mowed, fertilized, watered and maintained in superb condition. Thanks Doug from all ERCA members. WINTER FLYING REMINDER - November and including December, January and February we are into our winter flying restrictions. Far those months remember— On Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday — No flying until 12:00 Noon. PARKING AND UNLOADING - With the start of the rainy season, lets all remember to stay on the graveled mad and parking areas. The graveled area at the west end of the clubhouse is to be used for unloading and loading of you planes and equipment. not for parking. Keep off of the non graveled areas so we do not cause tire ruts. THE TYPEWWITTEN WORD - A bit of enlightenment from Chuck O’Donnell is included for your reading pleasure. Ray Tatum – VP Newsletter Editor Contacts: Frank Blain President 954-2342 Club Mailing Address Ray Tatum VP – 517-6983 Eugene R/C Aeronauts Mark Stafford Tres– 895-5882 PO Box 50034 Doug McWha Field Marshal – 741-3326 Eugene, OR. 97405 WITH THE WEEKDAY WARRIORS I think I missed the last few days of good flying before the recent rains descended upon us. The sun was shining through my window as I stretched out on the couch while fighting an E-coli bacterial infection of the urinary tract. I know E-coli is the trendiest and poshest of infec-tions, on the front pages of all the best newspapers, but, on the whole, I cannot recommend it. Without going into detail, let me sum it up by saying that, if I am given the option of having another such infection or building an ARF, I’ll build the ARF - and you know how it pains me to Sty that! 11/14 brought some very decent weather and a small flock of fliers to the field. Doug Malta and Larry Nielson were flying their old reliables, EasySport 40 and Ugly Stik respectively. Nothing to note there except that Doug’s Easy Sport manages to look marc and more bedraggled each day while still flying veil. Now it is also making a funny noise which Chuck Jenkins lays to bearings. Pat Willis brought out a Radix-3D, an electric biplane with a very low aspect ratio. A profile-type, all of thin foam with large control surfaces. It flopped around a lot on its first flight - tail-heavy, too much throw, or both? Pat had to put it in the pond to the northeast of the center of the strip, but no damage was done. It awaits a CG check. Pat had put another landing gear on him Extra while be awaits a proper replacement from the manufacturers fat the one be broke during whet prowl to be the once-too-many straightening effort. The substitute gear is just a little lighter, leaving the Extra a shade tail-heavy. Not enough to be dangerous, but just enough to be annoying. The landing was fine, but you should have seen Pat fighting that nose which fluted to pitch up all the way down the final approach. A few phone calls from Doug McWha enticed President Blain out to the field on that balmy day. Frank brought an Excelleron 90 whose powerplant was a brand, spanking new YS 110. He and Pat met about doing the finial fettling to bring the Excelleron to the starting gate. A little work on the YS a little sorting-out of a mechanical, not electronic, control-run problem, a range-check out to the Coburg Hills, and all was ready. Pat did the honors and had things well in hand on the takeoff and climbout. He was flying it as you would on the first flight of another guy’s ship - reduced throttle, easy turns this way and that, feeling it out before trying anything acrobatic. At this point sounded the Trumpet of Doom - a sudden, loud, deep-toned flutter, the preamble to an almost-total loss of control. The plane lit at the far end of the pond mentioned earlier where the soft ground saved the engine, damaged only one tip of the wing, and left the tail unscathed. The fuselage, aroo, could best be classified as debris. Pat thought he might have lost an aileron, but both were firmly in place. Both aileron servos, however, were thoroughly stripped: the arms swung idly back and forth. I am no expert on servos in 110-powered ships, but it looked to me as though the arms were very long. With the pushrods in the outermost hole, the aileron. would seem to have a lot of leverage on those servo innards if they chose to push back. Mind you, this comes from one who is much more at home setting up the folding prop on an Old-Timer rubber job than the control surfaces of a modern Pattern type. El Goodman seems to be rethinking his retirement from active flying on account of age. He had the fuselage of his Sr. Kadet out at the field one day for some fiddling with an engine that had been less than cooperative. I realized long ago that I have to live to at least 100 to build all the models that have struck my fancy. And that’s just the Scale stuff: when you add the Competition and Sport types, who knows? I recently read Anthony Kay’s book about Junkers air-craft and engines, In it was an interesting tidbit. The Ju 290 was a large, 4-engined, machine, originally intended as a luxury transport for Lufthansa, but, by the time it was ready, the war was on and most were completed for maritime-recon. A handful were built as plush transports for Luft-waffe bigwigs and one fell into our hands at the end of the war. It was flown to the U.S. and tested at Freeman Field, Indiana, where many captured German aircraft underwent flight-tests. When that was over it was decided to cut up the 290 to study the structure, because Junkers did things a little differently. They found, in a section of the wing where it had lodged since the plane was built, a saboteur’s bomb with a faulty detonator. Bet that got their attention in the Structures Lab. Have you noticed how, in writing about full-size air-craft, model mags so often manage to make a thorough going mess of it? Wildcats are “F-4-F” and corsairs “F-4U” when there are no hyphens at all in that part of the designation. Balsa USA has full-page ads for its Morane Parasol in which they call it “A-1” when it’s actually “AI”, i.e Aay-eye, not Aay-one. And Model Aviation once had on its cover, in big colored letters “Short Sterling’ when the bomber in question was named for a city in Scotland which has an “I” not an “e” in the middle. This month in MA, Sal Calvagna, in his R/C Giants column, translates “Rittmeister” as “Circus Master”. Where did he get that? Rittmeister had nothing to do with circuses or even with aeroplanes; it was a military rank - a captain in the Cavalry. Manfried von Richtofen was an ex-cavalryman and had that rank, but many a WWI Rittmeister saw aircraft only at a distance. Furthermore, Herman Goring, about whom he was writing, had been an infantryman and thus was not even in line for that rank. Indeed, at war’s end he was still an Oberleutnant, one shy of Hauptmann, the Infantry’s equivalent. C.O’D. --- Volume 2, Issue 9 September 2006 EUGENE RC AERONAUTS – MEETING – TUESDAY September 26, 2006 Meeting Start Time: 7:00 PM – Please note Meeting at EWEB training room. Center room, north side of the fountain. CARL HENSON FIELD – Thanks to all who turned out for our last meeting at the field in August. If you were not there you missed a great meeting and feast. Big thanks to Larry Nielson for providing the premium burgers, fresh corn, tomatoes and raspberry shortcake. Thanks to all members for bringing their family and kids along, we had a very enjoyable time. THE EXCELLENT RUNWAY – Through determination from all members we have a runway sprinkler system which allowed us to green up the runway. Doug McWha actually had to mow the runway a couple of weeks ago. With our irrigation system, we should be able to keep the runway green and hopefully free from cracks all through next summer. WINTER FLYING REMINDER – We have the month of October left for full flying. Starting in November and including December, January and February we will be back into our winter flying restrictions. For those months remember – On Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday – No flying until 12:00 Noon. Anything in the air most likely will be shot down so don’t even think about it. NEW STORAGE SHED – Doug McWha picked up an 8’x10’ shed and spent the better part of a day putting it together. It has enough room for our fertilizer spreader, one riding mower and BBQ. This gives us more room in the back of the club trailer and keeps Doug from having to move the equipment around each time he mows. ANOTHER CLUB TRAINER PLANE – It’s been a rough year on our trainer planes. We once again have a new trainer in the works. Khoi Tran donated a new trainer and Mark Stafford will assemble and get it ready. Look for the new trainer in the near future. CLUB OFFICERS - We have been running the club with the same President, VP, Treasurer and Field Marshal and News Letter Editor for the past several years. Consider throwing you hat in the ring this year for one of these positions. Involve yourself beyond paying dues and going to the field to fly. Nominations will come up in October with voting at the November meeting. WEEKDAY WARRIORS – Chuck O’Donnell keeps an eye on what happening at the field during the week. His column is always enjoyable. Thanks Chuck. Ray Tatum – VP Newsletter Editor Contacts: Frank Blain President 954-2342 Club Mailing Address Ray Tatum VP – 517-6983 Eugene R/C Aeronauts Mark Stafford Tres– 895-5882 PO Box 50034 Doug McWha Field Marshal – 741-3326 Eugene, OR. 97405 --- Volume 2, Issue 8 August 2006 EUGENE RC AERONAUTS – MEETING – TUESDAY August 22, 2006 Meeting Start Time: 7:00 PM – Please note Meeting is at Carl Henson Field. NOTE - This is the last meeting of the year at the field. We will have a BBQ starting at about 5:30. Larry “Where’s the beef” Nielsen is furnishing the burgers, fresh picked tomatoes and onions. We plan on a big feast so bring your appetite, your significant other, your family or your friends and let’s make our last field meeting an enjoyable evening. Show up early and fly. Don’t miss this meeting. CARL HENSON FIELD – If you have not been to the field for while you may not be aware that we have a sprinkler system for the runway. We may not be able to totally green up the runway this year but will able to have a lush green runway all summer next year. Thanks to Frank Blain and Doug McWha for taking the lead on this. Other members pitched in and we “got err’ done”. FUN FLY - Thanks to Pat Willis for putting on our fun fly on August 5th & 6th. We did not get out much of a notice for this event but on Saturday the 5th I counted over 20 cars in the parking area. We had hot dogs on the BBQ and Bill Hollingsworth helped Pat run the fun fly. Thanks to Trumps Hobbies for giving us a good deal on the prizes. We had visitors and put the club trainer in the air and let them experience the fun of flying. There is still time to have another fun fly before the rain sets in. Any volunteers Chuck O’Donnell has his trusty typewriter back in working order and hopefully will continue to keep us informed and enlightened on those members able to fly during the week. His “With the Weekday Warriors” is attached. CLUB INTRO PILOTS - If you are new to our club and want some assistance with your flying or more important, landing skills, contact one of our intro pilots to arrange a time. Club Intro Pilots: Mark Stafford – 895-5882 Chuck Jenkins – 736-5148 Bill Hollingsworth – 689-1479 Roger Dahl – 998-2492 Patrick Willis – 543-8999 John Bowhan – 607-5752 See you at the meeting. Ray Tatum – VP Newsletter Editor Contacts: Frank Blain President 954-2342 Club Mailing Address Ray Tatum VP – 517-6983 Eugene R/C Aeronauts Mark Stafford Tres– 895-5882 PO Box 50034 Doug McWha Field Marshal – 741-3326 Eugene, OR. 97405 WITH THE WEEKDAY WARRIORS Jim Corbett took this machine in hand and got it working again. I’ve turned out almost a dozen letters, caption lists, and explanations, so it’s time to try a column again. I guess the big news is that the well was driven one weekday this month. There is now a pump feeding a sprinkler system, and, by gosh, water is coming out of it. The system can do half of the strip at a time and the plan seems to be to run it at night. A trial run saw Mike Burges going down and starting the pump at 6:30 a.m. on Friday. Doug McWha turned up at 6:30 Saturday and found the thing still at it with about half a tank of gas remaining. The pump’s original ½ gal. tank was replaced with something adequate for a transpacific flight. The sprinklers get pulled to the side of the strip for flying, but at least once during the trial-and-error period, Doug Wade was landing his EasySport 60 on the West end of the strip while the sprinklers worked on the East end. Come to think of it, Ken Springate was using the east end while the west end was being watered on another day. It was his O.S. 60-powered Chipmunk that Ken was Using that day, but he has also had out a Razzle and a U-Can-Do. The former is a translucent red-and-yellow affair with an O.S. 90 2-stroke and the latter has an engine Ken told me about, but which I didn’t write down. (And that was only this morning!) Doug Wade’s EasySport 60 actually has a 65 in it6, a wonderfully all-blue O.S. 2-stroke. By all the (unwritten) rules of the ER/CA, it should have a 90 or even a 120 up front, but Doug is flying under Chuck Jenkins’s tutelage, so maybe Chuck’s a good influence. Doug’s been making some good landings spoilt only by the nose dipping and letting the prop strike the ground. He’s using one of those knee-action nosewheel legs that Doug McWha likes so much, but here there seems to be a bit too much kneeling taking place. Chuck J. thinks there’s too much weight on the nosewheel and I thing he’s having Doug move the main gear forward a hair or two. Pat Willis has been tutoring Al Barrington and Al has been out with his Eagle on some weekdays, practicing on his own. He claims to get there early before anybody arrives to see him do something unfortunate. Larry Nielson’s big, red Ugly Stik has seen a lot of weekday action, including one gusty day when Larry said hew was getting bumped all over in the air. Dale Williams made a bunch of flight on his Aeromaster one day. This one has an O.S. 61 for power and the O.S has a pump to push that fuel into the carb in large quantities. The Aeromaster is a design that goes back a year or three. It was a Lou Andres kit out of Massachusetts and people were flying Aeromasters when I was still back in N.J. in the early 70's. We may have people in this club who weren’t born when the Aeromasters came out! Stil1 a good design if your are looking for a bipe. Your columnist has been trying to get ready for the Northwest FreeFlight championship which will be going on as you read this — assuming you’re reading it on- 8/19 or 8/20. One day I had my Fubar 36 out to cheek the rotor run. It has a distinctly elderly Tatone timer for the engine run and the Tatone isn’t entirely reliable as far as running time is concerned. Why use it? It’s small and light and there isn’t much to the Fuhar 36. I got a couple of test flights on short runs and another lousy one on a full run, because the stab wasn’t set quite right. Then with the engine, a 54-yr—old Wen-Mac .049, singing (relatively speaking) I launched on another full run. Al B. and Ken S. can attest to it: It was a gorgeous climb which then settled into a beaut of a glide at the end of the 11-sec. run. Ken told me later that they were impressed with the way the Fubar hung in the air and glided on and on. little did they know -at the tine that they were witnessing the fruits of a monumental error on my part. I’d forgotten to light the fuse for the detheromalizer. What should have 1½ min. flight, exceeded by a long shot the 3-min Max you get at the Contest. Not much wind, so the model was in sight when it settled to the ground — or, actually when it settled 25’ up in one of the trees to the southwest of us. I was down there with one of the 21’ fence. pipes held at arms length trying to bat the branch enough to free the plane. Ken came down and between the two of us we steadied the pipe long enough to jam it in the fork where the branch met the rest of the tree. Vigorous shaking freed the Fubar which then dove toward us. Ken caught it, i.e. it hit him in the chest when he couldn‘t get out of the way in time. No damage to Ken and only a tiny spilt in the tissue of the model’s stabilizer - lucky I didn't lose it. You usually get the real brick - lifter thermals when you don’t light the fuse. I spent three June weeks in the UK and attended two delightful air displays. In July I visited the Smithsonian’s new air museum out at Dulles airport. After that, went up in Gods Country (Sussex County, N.J.) and looked in on several small airfields there. The upshot of all this is that I have a ton of photos of old aircraft and some old motor vehicles as well. If yea like old aeroplanes - see me, I’ll have the prints with me at the meeting. If you like jets, well, there might be one in the distant background of one or two pictures. My tastes run more toward Caudron G.4s, Boeing FB-5s, and Fleet Model 7s. C. O'D. --- Volume 2, Issue 6 June 2006 EUGENE RC AERONAUTS – MEETING – TUESDAY June 27, 2006 Start Time: 7:00 PM – Please note Meeting is at Carl Henson Field. CARL HENSON FIELD – Just as a reminder, we will be holding our club meetings for the month of June, July and August at the field. We encourage everyone to come early and fly. Doug McWha & Ray Tatum will be putting on a BBQ before the meeting. CLUB TRAINER PLANES – We now have two club trainer planes for new or prospective members. The proceeds the club received from our May meeting auction also allowed us to purchase a new radio for the trainer. If you know of anyone who would like to give RC flying a try, encourage them to come out to the field on most any weekend. If you are new to our club and want some assistance with your flying or more important, landing skills, contact one of our intro pilots to arrange a time. Club Intro Pilots: Mark Stafford – 895-5882 Chuck Jenkins – 736-5148 Bill Hollingsworth – 689-1479 Roger Dahl – 998-2492 Patrick Willis – 543-8999 John Bowhan – 607-5752 OUR FIELD - Thanks to Doug McWha & Bill Hollingsworth the field is always in superb shape. This past weekend a couple of privet jet pilots from the Eugene Airport show up at our field, one was into RC flying and said “This is one of the best fields he has ever visited”. They both spent the day just enjoying our field. Thanks to Eugene Toy & Hobby for giving them directions. FIELD SAFETY - With the improving summer weather we have more visitors showing up and more members flying. Please keep this in mind so all can enjoy their trip to the field. MEETING ATTENDANCE – We need more members at our club meetings. Show up so you can voice your opinion on the direction and activities for the club. Bring a prospective member to the meeting. More Members = More Field Improvements = More Members. See you at the meeting. Ray Tatum – VP Newsletter Editor Contacts: Frank Blain President 954-2342 Club Mailing Address Ray Tatum VP – 517-6983 Eugene R/C Aeronauts Mark Stafford Tres– 895-5882 PO Box 50034 Doug McWha Field Marshal – 741-3326 Eugene, OR. 97405 --- Volume 2, Issue 5 May 2006 AUCTION MEETING – AUCTION MEETING – AUCTION MEETING EUGENE RC AERONAUTS – MEETING – TUESDAY May 23, 2006 Start Time: 7:00 PM – EWEB COMMUNITY MEETING ROOM – 500 EAST 4TH AVE. ROOM IS JUST NORTH OF THE FOUNTAIN IN THE COURTYARD. CLUB AUCTION – We will be holding a club auction at this meeting. If you have anything to sell, give away or trade bring it to this meeting. You can set a minimum sell price, be realistic or you will pack it back home. 10% of the selling price goes to the club. Bill Hollingsworth is the auctioneer and will set the rules. This is a good time to dispose of those items that have been accumulating dust and help the club treasury. CARL HENSON FIELD – Just as a reminder, we will be holding our club meetings for the month of June, July and August at the field. We encourage everyone to come early and fly. We plan on having BBQ’s at the field meeting and will keep you informed. A couple of items for all members – Please make sure that you once you enter Mike Burgess’s drive to our club that your speed is less than 10 MPH. Simply drive slow enough that you are not seeing dust. Field trash – No trash period – this includes cigarette butts. If you see trash pick it up. Also, every now and then you may find that another member has left the field and forget to pack up a tool, glow plug starter or whatever. If you find anything at the field and you know it’s not yours please put it in the clubhouse, don’t assume you are the new owner. If you see something in the club house that isn’t yours, the person that left it and returns to find it will thank all for being honest ENGINE BREAK IN TABLE – We have placed a table at the West End away from the other pilot tables. If you need to break in a new engine or test tune your existing engine, please use this table. FUN FLY’S OR OTHER EVENTS – We have brought this up at several meetings. If you would like to participate, why not take the lead and set one up. Any member can do this and we encourage new members to step forward and become active. See you at the meeting. Ray Tatum – VP Newsletter Editor Contacts: Frank Blain President 954-2342 Club Mailing Address Ray Tatum VP – 517-6983 Eugene R/C Aeronauts Mark Stafford Tres– 895-5882 PO Box 50034 Doug McWha Field Marshal – 741-3326 Eugene, OR. 97405 --- Volume 2, Issue 4 April 2006 EUGENE RC AERONAUTS – MEETING – TUESDAY April 25, 2006 Start Time: 7:00 PM – EWEB COMMUNITY MEETING ROOM – 500 EAST 4TH AVE. ROOM IS JUST NORTH OF THE FOUNTAIN IN THE COURTYARD. CARL HENSON FIELD – ALVADORE - If you have not been to the field lately, you need to see it, fly on it or just enjoy the setting. Thanks to Doug McWha, Bill Hollingsworth, Jim Corbet and Frank Blain the field is superb shape. The first application of sand is on the runway with more to follow. The strip is being mowed and rolled at least weekly and knowing Doug’s dedication to our club, will most likely be mowed twice a week. Another application of fertilizer is in the works and will be applied shortly. Rock for the roadway will also be applied in the near future. Do you realize that in April 2005 we were discussing possible flying sites for our club with nothing in the works. I don’t think that any of us ever dreamed that our club would be so fortunate. FIELD SAFETY – With spring in the air and summer on its way, flying activity will no doubt increase each week. We all share safety responsibility while at the field. Do you have your frequency pin. Are you storing your transmitter in the clubhouse when not in use. Take notice of who is in the air or possibly landing before you decide to fly. We all know the safety basics, if you observe a non safe condition please speak up, do not let it go. FIELD MAINTENANCE – We are starting to see trash accumulate around the pit and clubhouse. We purposely do not have trash containers at the field. If you bring it with you take it with you when your leave. Don’t leave your trash for someone else to deal with. Keep a couple of plastic bags in your flight box and dispose them when you get home. CLUB MEETING ATTENDANCE – We need to see more members at our club meetings. Only 16 people were present at the March meeting. Your attendance is the only way to be involved with discussions and decisions being made spending club funds. Take a proactive approach and voice it at the meeting. COMBAT FLYING – Doug McWha and Bill Hastings are testing the waters on combat flying. Using Crepe paper streamers towed behind their planes the idea is to cut the other person’s streamer. If you are interested in participating contact Bill or Doug. This is just for fun and interesting to watch. See you at the meeting. Ray Tatum – VP Newsletter Editor Contacts: Frank Blain President 954-2342 Club Mailing Address Ray Tatum VP – 517-6983 Eugene R/C Aeronauts Mark Stafford Tres– 895-5882 PO Box 50034 Doug McWha Field Marshal – 741-3326 Eugene, OR. 97405 --- Volume 2, Issue 3 March 2006 EUGENE RC AERONAUTS – MEETING – TUESDAY March 28, 2006 Start Time: 7:00 PM – EWEB COMMUNITY MEETING ROOM – 500 EAST 4TH AVE. ROOM IS JUST NORTH OF THE FOUNTAIN IN THE COURTYARD. CARL HENSON FIELD – ALVADORE - Our winter flying restrictions for 12:00 Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday are now over. The field is really starting to take shape. At our last meeting we decided to start applying a small layer of sand on the runway. This will help the grass take hold and if all goes as anticipated will firm up the runway. South Lane R/C Modelers did this to their field and we understand that the field is flyable most of the year. Member donations to Frank Blain allowed us to purchase a heavy-duty spreader without the use of club funds. We now have a spreader for the sand as well as fertilizing the field. If you can assist with a donation contact Frank. FIELD SAFETY - With visitors and new members showing up, think about where people are in relationship to your plane. Before you start your plane, is everyone (but you) behind your propeller. Props and spinners do come off. Be aware of who is flying before you take your plane to the flight line. Announce that you are planning on taking off and make sure the pilots in the flight boxes acknowledge your signal. Let other pilots know when you are landing, don’t assume anything. It is up to every member to keep all flying safe for everyone at the field. NEW MEMBERS – We are signing up new members on a regular basis. We have 36 paid members to date. A growing membership will allow us to maintain and provide improvements to our field. Do you know of someone interested in RC flying? Bring them to a meeting or invite them to the field. NEW WEB SITE – Thanks to Kevin Kelm for setting up our new web site. Take a look at it. Kevin has done a great job. PLANES & PROJECTS – We had several new planes at the last meeting. Lets see what new planes you have and what we will be seeing at the field. Bring them to the meeting for all to enjoy. This may be the only time members see the new ship, especially before a maiden flight, if you know what I mean. See you at the meeting. Ray Tatum – VP Newsletter Editor Contacts: Frank Blain President 954-2342 Club Mailing Address Ray Tatum VP – 517-6983 Eugene R/C Aeronauts Mark Stafford Tres– 895-5882 PO Box 50034 Doug McWha Field Marshal – 741-3326 Eugene, OR. 97405 --- Volume 2, Issue 2 February 2006 EUGENE RC AERONAUTS – MEETING – TUESDAY February 28, 2006 Start Time: 7:00 PM – EWEB COMMUNITY MEETING ROOM – 500 EAST 4TH AVE. ROOM IS JUST NORTH OF THE FOUNTAIN IN THE COURTYARD. CARL HENSON FIELD – ALVADORE - The field has been mowed and we are starting to see a lot of members, visitors and prospective members at the field. Keep in mind that the grass areas are still soft so lets keep all cars parked in the gravel parking areas only. Club house key – If you are the first to open the door leave the key in the lock. Last person out locks the door and puts the key back on the table. Our winter flying restrictions for Saturday, Sunday and Wednesday are now over so we can fly anytime. We do not have trash barrels at the field. If you bring it with you take it with you when you leave. If you see trash on the ground please pick it up. NO FLYING DAY - Mike Burgess, the field owner has indicated there will be a Dog Trials event on Sunday March 19, 2006. The field will be closed that day – No flying is allowed so put that on your calendar. FIELD SAFETY Let’s keep safety in mind. With a number of visitors and new members showing up, think about where people are standing in relationship to a running engine. Before you start your plane, is everyone behind your propeller. Props and spinners do come off. Be aware of who is flying before you take your plane to the flight line. Announce that you are planning on taking off and make sure the pilots in the flight boxes acknowledge your signal. It is up to every member to be aware of what is happing at the field. CLUB DUES – We are collecting club dues for 2006 at this meeting and need to see your 2006 AMA card before we issue a 2006 club card. Club dues are $ 50.00 for 2006. NEW MEMBERS – We are signing up new members on a regular basis. A growing membership will allow us to maintain and provide improvements to our field. RAFFLE – At the end of the business meeting we will be having our raffle for all members who have paid their dues for 2006. Just a little incentive to get your dues paid for 2006. PLANES & PROJECTS – We had several new planes at the last meeting. Lets see what new planes you have and what we will be seeing at the field. Bring them to the meeting for all to enjoy. See you at the meeting. ERCA WEB SITE – Ray Tatum – VP Newsletter Editor Contacts: Frank Blain President 954-2342 Club Mailing Address Ray Tatum VP – 517-6983 Eugene R/C Aeronauts Mark Stafford Tres– 895-5882 PO Box 50034 Doug McWha Field Marshal – 741-3326 Eugene, OR. 97405 --- Volume 2, Issue 1 January 2006 EUGENE RC AERONAUTS – MEETING – TUESDAY January 24, 2006 Start Time: 7:00 PM – EWEB COMMUNITY MEETING ROOM – 500 EAST 4TH AVE. ROOM IS JUST NORTH OF THE FOUNTAIN IN THE COURTYARD. CARL HENSON FIELD – ALVADORE - Now is the time to start planning our activities for the club. We need to discuss maintenance, road and graveled areas and plan for the costs in our budget. Spring will be here before we know it and we need involvement from all members. I believe we will see new members joining and we need to welcome any prospective possible members. CLUB DUES – We will start collecting club dues for 2006 at this meeting and will need to see your 2006 AMA card before we issue a 2006 club card. Club dues are $ 50.00 for 2006. RAFFEL – Here is the deal. We are having a raffle for members who pay their dues at the January or February meeting. We will have the raffle at the February 28, 2006 meeting. Over $ 100.00 in prizes so everyone will have a chance at something. Here is the catch, you pay your club dues at the January or February meeting and you get a raffle ticket. After the February club business meeting we will have the raffle. CLUB OFFICERS – At the November meeting we voted on officers. Frank Blain is the President, Ray Tatum is VP-Newsletter Editor, and Mark Stafford is Secretary-Treasure. FLYING START TIME – We still have the remainder of January and February to observe our agreement on flying time. Remember that until the end of February -Saturday, Sunday & Wednesday flying time start is 12:00 Noon. PLANES & PROJECTS – If the current weather keeps going we may have to have a float fly. Somebody must have a new plane in the works. Bring something to the meeting, everyone likes to see what other club members have in the works. See you at the meeting. ERCA WEB SITE – Ray Tatum – VP Newsletter Editor |