Chuck Jenkins gave this Kaos to me a couple years ago to mess around with. I stripped the covering and other stuff came up, so it sat on the shelf for awhile.
I recently nabbed an old YS 60 short stroke from Dad that had barely been broke in, and sat in a box since something like 1987 and it got me motivated to finish the Kaos up.
The nose was built around a slight smaller engine, and was too tight for the YS, so I just cut the nose off. I have a mold started to create a fiberglass cowling for it later, but I wanted to get the thing finished up and flying first to see if its worthy of the extra work.
I fitted the Rudder and elevator servo's back mid way in the tail, remade all the push rods and replaced all control horns, removed the center aileron servo and linkage and installed a servo on each aileron to give a better precision and mixing ability for later.
The YS is the original 60 short stroke motor from early 80's, with a Hatori 650 tuned pipe (fairly certain its a 650) also from the same erra. Fitted with an 11x11 APC prop, the motor screams. Throttle response is as rapid as the thumbs will allow, its a pretty impressive little motor!
I only was able to get two take off's and immediate landings, since the header pipe coupler kept popping off right after take off.. but it took off pretty straight right off the board, I think 2 clicks of aileron was all needed. I will hunt down some more header pipe coupler material, and try again later this week.