Archive 2009 Meeting places, Dates and Times EWEB downtown Eugene: March 31st 7:00 pm. Training Center April 21st 7:00 pm. Community Room May 19th 7:00 pm. Community Room At the flying field June 23, July 28 and August 25 EWEB downtown Eugene: September 15th 7:00 pm. Community Room October 20th 7:00 pm. Community Room November 3rd 7:00 pm. Training Center (Election Day) December no meeting. ![]() |
--- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the November 2009 Meeting November 3rd, 2009, EWEB Meeting Room Please be aware that
winter flying hours are now in effect. TREASURER’S REPORT; Al Barrington reported we have reached 104 members in good standing. The ERCA has a current bank balance of $3836.90. This number is within $150 of where we ended last year, even with the field updates OLD BUSINESS; Two wish list items have been explored further: The first, elevated pilot stations, has moved to the prototype stage. Two field tables have been used to construct a stable platform from which to fly. Some members “highly” recommend the better view of the runway. The second, semi-permanent shelter over the pit area continues in discussion and development. Brad Werneth has discussed the shelter with Mike Burgess and learned he was concerned a white canopy cover would spook/impact game bird activity during hunting season. It was suggested that the purchase of a second cover, likely dark green, be explored for feasibility and cost. For more information about the shelter that has been discussed check out the product’s website, . The discussion has been focused on model 26764. NEW BUSINESS; There were 19 members and guests at the meeting. <>Election results for
2010 ERCA Club Officers: President
– Khoi Tran Vice-President
– Brad Werneth Sec/Treasurer –
Al Barrington Safety Coordinator –
Marty Wittman and Frank Blain In regard to the shelter discussion, a motion was made and passed by majority vote to create a $1000.00 budget limit for moving forward with the pit shelter. All is contingent on Mike Burgess’ final approval. <>SHOW & TELL; Khoi has gone electric! Tonight he showed off his new Great Planes Electrifly Edge 540T ARF. --- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the October 2009 Meeting October 20th, 2009, EWEB Meeting Room There were approximately 15 members in attendance. The meeting opened at 1900 with the usual Treasury Report and reading of last month's minutes. Old Business: Shade cover for pits area. 1. Brad Werneth showed his plans and proposal for shade structures to cover the pits area. 2. Wayne Wahrmund showed a video of a shade/cover structure that has been in place near Port Townshend, Washington for 8 years. It's a tube frame with canvas awning type cover. 18' X 40' Section for $769.00. Seemed to be a favorite due to it's temporary structure construction (no permits needed), Low cost, durability and portability. Discussion to be continued in the spring with final approval contingent upon the approval of our land owner, Mike Burgess. New Business: 1. Announced November new flight times go into effect due to hunting season. 2. Held nominations for ERCA Executive Officers for 2010. President: Khoi Tran, Pat Willis, Steve Harris (declined) Vice President: Brad Werneth, Marty Wittman Secretary / Treasurer: AL Barrington - Unopposed Field Safety Coordinator: Marty Wittman, Frank Blain Intro Pilot (Instructors) - Currently appointed instructors will be reinstated for 2010 unless they decline to continue before 1/1/2010. Show & Tell / Sale: Frank Blain brought a plane project to show and Doug McWha brought a plane to sell and donate the proceeds to the club. It sold for $10.00. The meeting was adjourned at 2030 hrs. Thanks for all you do. AL Editors Note: Pat Willis would like to withdraw his nomination for the office of President. (11-2-09 JimC) --- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the September 2009 Meeting September 15th, 2009, EWEB Meeting Room HAVE A VOICE IN YOUR CLUB…COME TO THE MEETING!!! NOMINATIONS ACCEPTED IN OCTOBER WITH VOTING IN NOVEMBER FOR 2010 OFFICERS. TREASURER’S REPORT; Al Barrington reported we have reached 102 members in good standing. The ERCA has a current bank balance of $4285.87. OLD BUSINESS; **Attention*** The propane tank from the club’s gas BBQ has gone missing. Please, help solve the mystery!! Also add to the list our EZ-Up Canopy and a bag of empty pop cans. I hate to think what this is indicating! The fundraiser raffle for a Futaba 10C radio system in progress and there are $5 tickets left. The drawing will be held after all the tickets are gone. So, the faster you buy the faster you can win. The pit area has been covered in compacted gravel and looks very nice. It took approximately $900 to finish. The storage shed was completed and is ready for paint. A painting party was to have occurred two weeks from the meeting. The clubhouse was to receive a coat of paint also. The idea of having name tags for members has sprung from the July wish list into reality. They look very nice. NEW BUSINESS; There were 14 members and guests at the meeting. The budget was reviewed and it appears, due to the higher than expected membership increase, that we could end the year a little richer than projected. The October meeting will include accepting of nominations for new board members with elections to occur in November. It is very important to attend the next two meetings to ensure you have a voice in selecting leadership for 2010. Wish list items discussed: O – Raised pilot boxes to aid in a better view of the field and a proper elevation for those wishing to fly seated. O – Overhead covering for the pit area. Brad Werneth is working on developing cost / styles / design information to mull over. O – Increased maintenance and care for the runway - aeration, soil fortification and consultation with qualified --- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the July 2009 Meeting July 28th, 2009, Carl Henson Field TREASURER’S REPORT; Al Barrington reported we have reached 92 members, in good standing, before accepting additional renewals tonight. The ERCA has a current bank balance of $5878.34. OLD BUSINESS; Remember…..AMA members…..Float plane flying at Don’t forget the Fun Fly is set for August 15th, 2009 and a Labor Day Fly on September 7th, 2009. NEW BUSINESS; Funding approved to purchase the final bits – exterior siding – to complete the storage shed. Funding approved to purchase gravel to cover the pit area, over the existing mat. A $600 estimate was approved with the understanding the actual cost could be slightly higher. It was agreed that this is a priority due to the safety issues that had been identified with the current state of the mats. Khoi provided an overview of the club’s budget, explaining that our finances have dipped to our reserve level at our current projected spending for the rest of the year. This included the expenditures approved at this meeting. Consequently, the attending members voted to suspend the purchase and awarding of prizes at the two remaining club functions this year (Fun Fly & Labor Day Fly). Wish list items discussed: Incremental installation of Terra-Mat on the driveway as we fulfill our obligation to add to the roadway. This expenditure should pay for itself in reduced gravel costs in the future. Name tags for members A fundraising format was adopted by the attending members. A large or high value item will be obtained and raffled off through the process of pre-selling tickets to achieve a desired fundraising level. Tickets will likely be in the range of $5 each. More info to be available soon. Show&Tell; Just flying before and after chow!! --- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the June 2009 Meeting June 23rd, 2009, Carl Henson Field TREASURER’S REPORT; Al Barrington reported we have reached 92 members, in good standing, before accepting additional renewals tonight. The ERCA has a current bank balance of $6732.41. OLD BUSINESS; **Attention*** The propane tank from the club’s gas BBQ has gone missing. Please, help solve the mystery!! Remember…..AMA members…..Float plane flying at Dexter Lake on the 3rd Saturday of each month. Bill Schneider can be contacted at 937-2829 for more info. Don’t forget the Fun Fly is set for August 15th, 2009 and a Labor Day Fly on September 7th, 2009. A reminder to all: The March 31st deadline for 2009 club dues has passed. Delinquent members can not fly at Carl Henson Field until they have renewed. It is up to everyone to remind those violating this rule that they must pay out of fairness to the rest of us that have. NEW BUSINESS; There were 30 members and guests at the meeting. We all enjoyed the first Field Meeting BBQ of the year. Thanks to those that brought the “extra” goodies. The July meeting will be dedicated to a discussion of our budget, where we are and where we want to go. We now have a clear picture of membership commitments and projected cash reserves. All members are encouraged to give some thought to their wish list of upgrades/service improvements. We hope to compile a list of projects or services that are supported by the membership that will allow us to plan for the future. The list should help us make well reasoned expenditure decisions. Several members expressed concern over the condition of the material used to cover the pit area. The edges have curled creating a trip hazard. Further discussion expected in July. A slew of new members were accepted into the club this month. A big welcome to Dustin Miller, Bob Funk, Terry Kise, Tim Roome-Trant, John Byrne, Tom Kopriva and Robert Butler. Al Barrington will again be participating in the Relay For Life on July 24th. The club will be sponsoring Al with a $300 pledge. Final assignments and equipment decisions were made for the July 18th Big Bird Fly at the Oakridge Airport. Khoi announced – excuse the pun - the club’s purchase of a quality portable PA system for use at our events. Show&Tell; Just flying before and after chow!! --- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the April 2009 Meeting April 21st, 2009, EWEB Conference Room TREASURER’S REPORT; Al Barrington reported we have reached 78 members, in good standing, before accepting additional renewals tonight. The ERCA has a current bank balance of $6362.20. OLD BUSINESS; Remember the Fun Fly is tentatively set for August 15th, 2009 and a Labor Day Fly on September 7th, 2009. NEW BUSINESS; There were 25 members and guests at the meeting. My apologies as the VP(me) was late – work related, honest – and missed some of the items of discussion. A reminder to all: The March 31st deadline for 2009 club dues has passed. Delinquent members can not fly at Carl Henson Field until they have renewed. It is up to everyone to remind those violating this rule that they must pay out of fairness to the rest of us that have. Drew Gauderman, the RC hobby manager of Cottage Grove Yamaha came to talk to us about his shop and what he can offer the aircraft hobbyist. While he is stronger in the RC car market he carries many park flyer type aircraft and helicopters and their attendant repair parts. Drew is willing to make special orders and wants to hear from you as to what you’d like to see him carry. It sounds like he could be an economical fuel supplier if enough of us show interest. Drew can be reached at 942-3335 or online at Three new members were accepted into the club. A big welcome to Mickey Cohen, Len Stolfo and Mark Cross. Show&Tell; Khoi has another BIG plane! His most recent acquisition is an award winning 96” Ziroli based P-40 with an impressive amount of scale detail. Let’s hope Khoi soon makes the transition from hobby shop ceiling dweller to flying warbird. --- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the March 2009 Meeting March 31st, 2009, EWEB Conference Room TREASURER’S REPORT; Al Barrington reported we have reached 75 members, in good standing, before accepting additional renewals tonight. The roster of intro pilots, and the associated fee, has been submitted to AMA headquarters. The ERCA has a current bank balance of $6069.39. OLD BUSINESS; Khoi gave an update on the progress in securing the Oakridge Airport for our Big-Bird Fly on July 18th. The airport manager is requiring proof of insurance – to be provided by Al – and a signed waiver of liability before giving the final approval. Khoi will handle getting the Waiver signed and in the hands of management soon so that we can move on with logistical planning. For those with concerns about the flying conditions at the Oakridge Airport Khoi reported he had flown at the field the weekend before the meeting and does not feel the trees encroach on the airspace. The only concern with the facility that was noted by Khoi was the possible visibility problems when landing in the early morning you will be looking into the rising sun. The South Lane club is hosting a swap meet at the EAA clubhouse – at the south ed of Creswell airport - on April 20th, 2009, starting at 6:00 pm. Remember the Fun Fly is tentatively set for August 15th, 2009 and a Labor Day Fly on September 7th, 2009. NEW BUSINESS; There were 26 members and guests at the meeting. Marvin True is/has opened a hobby outlet in Oakridge. The store, Oakridge Hobby, is inside another business, Family Necessity - 782-2812 for more information. Pat Willis advised he was contacted by Carl Green who has several planes for sale. Pat said a .60 trainer, 2 ¼ scale planes and a 2.6m Yak55SP from Composite ARF’s are available. Contact Mr. Green at 741-0384 for more information. Khoi announced he has been approached by member Jeff Engel about providing materials and labor in the construction of a utility shed at our field. Jeff has proposed constructing a 10 x 8 x 6 shed, using materials he has on hand, for the storage of the field maintenance equipment. The shed will be constructed of wood dimension lumber and a composite roof in a manner to allow it to be moved with little difficulty. Khoi has talked with landlord Mike Burgess and received a go ahead on the project providing the structure is nice looking when finished. The consensus of those present felt placing the shed at the west end of the parking lot – near the straw pile – is the most suitable location. Khoi, and others, suggested authorizing up to $300 in club funds to assure the structure is finished properly. This motion was passed by majority vote. Show&Tell; Local resident, and national sales rep for KMP Models, Gus Phillips came to the meeting to speak about the new and existing products now available from KMP. Mr. Phillips showed us a DVD of his new products in action and then gave us some hands on time with KMP’s new purpose made gasser engine, electric retract system upgrade and an example of their aircraft’s scale realism and quality shown in their beautiful giant Corsair ARF. Pat Willis showed off his almost completed Nitro Planes Cessna 421 that is sporting Robart retracts and K&B .45’s. Frank Blaine brought his newest biggie, a QuiQue Somenzini Yak 54 with an 86” wing and a DL 50 for power. Ivan Walker displayed his “in progress” TopFlite, Gold Edition Kit, 1/7 Scale P-51 Mustang. Ivan is doing a fabulous job covering his bird in a scale color scheme and markings, all with MonoKote. --- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the February 2009 Meeting February 24th,
2009, Papa’s Pizza on TREASURER’S REPORT; Al Barrington reported we had only 66 members in good standing before the meeting started. And then he was inundated with checks and forms so that number will grow considerably. Please renew soon! The ERCA has a current bank balance of $5,547.65. OLD BUSINESS; Khoi gave an update on the progress in
securing the Fun Fly is tentatively set for August 15th, 2009 and a Labor Day Fly on September 7th, 2009. NEW BUSINESS; There were 27 members and guests at the meeting. The club purchased pizza for all and there was plenty. Carey Walters and John Florent were was welcomed into the club as new members. Mel gave a brief overview of his recent
visit to Cottage
Grove RC & Hobbies, Show&Tell; Khoi arranged for Bill Schneider, an avid
float plane flyer
and member of the --- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the January 2009 Meeting January 27th, 2009, EWEB Meeting Room TREASURER’S REPORT; Al Barrington reported we had only 37 members in good standing before the meeting started. And then he was inundated with checks and forms so that number will grow considerably. Please renew soon! The ERCA has a current bank balance of $5,121.36. OLD BUSINESS; New President Khoi gave thanks to Old President Pat for his contributions and service to the club. Reminder to all that the February meeting will be at Papa’s Pizza on Coburg Road. ERCA will provide a selection of pizza pie and the drinks are no host. NEW BUSINESS; There were 31 members and guests at the meeting. John Poole was welcomed into the club. There were others at the meeting checking us out that seemed anxious to join as well. Hope to see you at Papa’s. Khoi and the board rolled out the proposed budget for consideration. After much discussion and a minor amendment the 2009 budget was passed by an overwhelming majority vote. Hopefully it will be available soon for your viewing pleasure on the website. ERCA_Budget_2009(1).pdf Khoi has made some initial contacts at the Oakridge Airport in an attempt to secure permission to use that facility for our July 18th Big Bird Event. The idea was well received by those in attendance. Fun Fly is tentatively set for August 15th, 2009 and a Labor Day Fly on September 7th, 2009. Show&Tell; Frank Blain brought his brand new – and 84.5” wingspan huge – Great Planes Reactor. With its < 17# weight and DL50 on the nose it should perform well. He hopes to maiden it soon. Marty Whittman brought his GIANT Cessna 188 AgWagon builder to show his progress since November’s meeting. At the rate he’s going it could be in the air before you smell pizza. Rod Madison brought his 1/6th scale plans built DeHaviland Beaver to show off “in the bones” Rod has modified to include mounting points for floats as well as standard landing gear. Khoi Tran brought another collaborative effort of his and Frank, a Yellow Aircraft Starfire ducted fan. The stylish, purple jet sports a .90 OS and a DynaMax fan. Speeds of up to 180 mph can be expected with this machine. ---