Archive 2010 Meeting places, Dates and Times
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ![]() |
---Jan--- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the January 2010 Meeting January 26th, 2010, EWEB Meeting Room Please be aware that
winter flying hours are still in effect. Treasury Report: The Treasurer / Secretary, AL Barrington, read the 2009 Year End financial report stating in short that the club started the year with a bank balance of $3,836.90 and ended the year after expenses with $4,042.40. The January Treasury Report was read stating that the club has 27 members renewed but 5 of those had expired AMA statuses. The January bank balance is $4,922.40. Both reports were approved as read. 2010 Budget: It was announced that the executive board met on 1/8/2010 to draft the 2010 budget proposal. The current draft shows total anticipated expenses of $6,335.00. Mention was made to the importance of renewing memberships as well as recruiting new members to help bridge the financial gap and achieve our goals. The current budget draft was voted on and approved. Old Business: Fund raising was mentioned. Members were invited to submit ideas and suggestions for future revenue generation. Brad Werneth presented the topic and the membership discussed the current fund raiser raffle of the Futaba 10C Transmitter. A motion was made and seconded to conclude the raffle with a push to sell the remaining tickets and have the drawing at the end of the February (Pizza Parlor) meeting on 2/23/2010. The membership voted and approved the motion. Brad Werneth presented his design and the proposal for a pits area covering structure. Last meeting the membership approved a target budget of $1000 for the project. At current prices, the proposed structure is expected to cost approximately $1100 after considering additional needed hardware. He also presented three options for coverings. The membership voted and approved to allow for the $1100 expenditure and chose the tan colored covering option. The subject of field aeration and sanding was discussed. It was decided to get the opinion of our resident expert, landscaper, Rod Madison and wait for drier conditions in April – May. The subject was tabled to future meetings. New Business: 1. The subject of events for this year was discussed. The membership was invited to suggest dates & times for our Big Bird Fun Fly, General Fun Fly, and Labor Day Fun Fly. It was agreed to decide and lock in on those dates and begin advertising the events as soon as possible. The subject was tabled to future meetings pending consensus. 2. Landlord, Mike Burgess announced a NO FLY DAY on Sunday, March 14th, 2010 due to a bird hunting event happening near the field on that day. NOTAM requested. 3. The motion was made for the membership to annually, (at the January meeting), present a special recognition award to a club member, expressing appreciation for outstanding contributions and dedicated service to the club during the previous year. The membership approved to enact the proposed award and present a $50 cash award to the first recipient. Other award options were discussed. Possible honorary membership for a period of time was mentioned and tabled for further discussion. Suggested later: A “traveling trophy” or plaque that an engraved brass plate could be added to with the name and award year of the winner could be presented. New members: Roget Winz was voted on and approved as a new member. Show & Tell: Marty Wittman showed his two pylon racing planes. He brought an LA Racer-40 and a Club 40 Sky Raider. He told about the sport and fielded questions. He hopes to generate enough interest to hold AMA sanctioned events and host competitions with other clubs at our field. Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at about 2045 and AL continued with taking of membership renewals. 15 members renewed their memberships at the meeting. AL Barrington Sec/Treas, ERCA ---To the TOP of page--- ---Feb--- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the February 2010 Meeting February 23rd, 2010, Papas Pizza 11th & Chambers Please be aware that
winter flying hours are still in effect. The meeting was held at Papa’s Pizza Parlor, 11th & Chambers, Eugene. Members began arriving before 1830. The usual noise level and pizza munching made it difficult to hear so business was kept brief. AL Barrington took membership renewals before, during and following the meeting. The meeting came to order at 1900 with 29 members, family and guests in attendance. Secretary / Treasurer AL Barrington started the meeting in the absence of President Khoi Tran who arrived later. VP Brad Werneth was not present.
Treasury Report: The Treasurer / Secretary, AL Barrington, read the Minutes of the January meeting and the current Treasury Report. The current bank balance is $4,574.40. Both reports were approved as read. Old Business: Fund raising was mentioned. Members were invited to submit ideas and suggestions for future revenue generation. The subject of field aeration and sanding was discussed again. It was decided to get the opinion of our resident expert, landscaper, Rod Madison and wait for drier conditions in April – May. The cover structure project was discussed. Khoi Tran stated that the company providing the structure kit could have it ready within a day of the order. The construction work party was discussed. Frank Blain and Brad Werneth will lead the canopy installation project. They need about 6 fencing steel posts to secure the canopy posts. Craig mentioned he has some at home to contribute. Khoi, Wayne, Ken volunteered to help with the installation. Other members who are willing to help? Please contact Frank Blaine and Brad Werneth to get details. We will have a work party to install this 18'x40' canopy next month. Aeration and sanding project was brought up. Some club members have suffered broken props trying to take off and end up hitting puddles of water on the west end of runway. Khoi will contact Rod Madison to get details on cost of aeration and sanding the runway to raise the west side elevation. Frank will independently get details on the most cost effective way to add sand to the runway. If any members have experience with this project, please contact Frank or Khoi. This year’s main events will be scheduled as follows: Big Bird Fun Fly – July 10th, Fun Fly – Aug 14th, Labor Day Fun Fly – Sep 6th Reminder: Landlord, Mike Burgess announced a NO FLY DAY on Sunday, March 14th, 2010 due to a bird hunting event happening near the field on that day. NOTAM requested. New Business: No new business was presented New members: No new members this month Show & Tell: None this month Raffle: The last tickets for the Futaba 10C radio were sold at the February meeting. The drawing was held, Wayne Wahrmund won the radio and graciously donated it to the club for fundraising Auction next month. We will hold a live auction with Pat as auctioneer at the next meeting. Please show up with your checkbook to bid for the radio. The funds raised will help pay for field improvement such as aeration/sanding project coming up. Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at about 2030 and AL continued with taking of membership renewals. 10 members renewed their memberships at the meeting. The bill for the pizza meeting came to $222.20 which is a bit over the budgeted $150, no doubt due to the great turn out. AL Barrington Sec/Treas, ERCA ---To the TOP of page--- ---Mar--- ---To the TOP of page--- ---Apr--- ---To the TOP of page--- ---May--- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the May 2010 Meeting May 25th, 2010, EWEB Meeting Room The meeting came to order at 1900 on 5/25/2010 with 20 members, family and guests in attendance. President Khoi Tran presided. Reading of Meeting Minutes: Vice President Brad Werneth read the May meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as read. Treasury Report: The Treasurer / Secretary, AL Barrington, read the treasury report. The report was approved as read. Old Business: The replacement Sun Shelter was discussed and all improvements were approved. Construction is to start as soon as weather permits. Confirmation of the Fun Fly date: BIG BIRD JULY 10th FUN FLY AUG. 14th LABOR DAY FUN FLY SEPT. 6th Fund raising was mentioned. Members were invited to submit ideas and suggestions for future revenue generation. New Business: 1. Marty Wittman is to contact members that have not paid club dues but are still flying. He is to give them a reminder that dues are due and need to be paid. 2. A motion was made and approve that Pat Willis will be the clubs PR person and help to promote all upcoming club events. 3. There is a Fun Fly in Lapine, Oregon on June 11th, 12th & 13th. 4. Rod Madison will donate all material needed to fix the low spots on the runway. Rod needs a work party to help place the loam and do grading. Doug McWha and Wayne Wahrmund are the contacts.. Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at about 2000. Brad Werneth VP, ERCA ---To the TOP of page--- ---Jun-- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the June 2010 Meeting June 22nd, 2010, ERCA flying field The meeting came to order at 1900 on 6/22/2010 with 30 members, family and guests in attendance. President Khoi Tran presided. Reading of Meeting Minutes: Vice President Brad Werneth read the May meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as read. Mike Burgess Addressed the Club: Landlord, Mike Burgess addressed the club about the future possibility that he may lease his land to the Government for Wet Lands construction. We talked for about 30 minutes about how this may or may not affect the club and the flying field. Mike will not know if this is a possibility for some time, spring of 2011 at the earliest. Mike will keep the club informed of any issues that may affect the field as soon as they may come up. Mike wants the flying field to stay and will work to that end as he talks to the government. Treasury Report: The Treasurer / Secretary, AL Barrington, read the treasury report, membership is at 87. It was decided that there would be no new expenditures for field improvement for the rest of this flying season. Old Business: Fund raising was mentioned. Members were invited to submit ideas and suggestions for future revenue generation. New Business: 1. The subject of having raffle prizes for the Big Bird Fun Fly was discussed. After a lot of back and forth a motion was made to budget $100.00 for raffle prizes. A motion was also made to charge a $10.00 landing fee for ALL PILOTS who come to the fun fly. The $10.00 landing fee is to help offset the cost of the prizes and food given out at the event. 2. Pylon Racing will be held at the field on July 17th, 2010 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m... The field will be closed to ALL FLYING EXCEPT RACING during this time. 3. Options for a second flying field were discussed. Walker Field will be looked at by the executive board as a possible second field or future new field if needed. 4. There will be a Flyer for the Big Bird Fun Fly. The flyer will state that there will be a $10.00 landing fee as will as food and raffle prizes given out at the event. New members: Don Hansen and Donny Krenz were voted on and approved as new members. Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at about 1945. Brad Werneth VP, ERCA ---To the TOP of page--- ---Jul--- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the July 2010 Meeting July 27nd, 2010, ERCA flying field The meeting came to order at 1903 on 7/27/2010 with 28 members, family and guests in attendance. President Khoi Tran presided. Reading of Meeting Minutes: Vice President Brad Werneth read the June meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as read. Treasury Report: The Treasurer / Secretary, AL Barrington, read the treasury report, membership is at 89. The current bank balance is at $5,832.61. The Big Bird Fly cost the club, after prizes and food, a tolal of $5.00. Old Business: Fund raising was mentioned. Members were invited to submit ideas and suggestions for future revenue generation. Mike Burgess asked that in the future don’t drive vehicls in to the field to retrive downed airplanes. Promotion of the Big Bird Fly was great, if anyone has ideas on how to further promote the upcoming Fun Fly please let the club officers know. New Business: 1. Wayne Wahrmund had a great idea. Individual club members can donate items for the Fun Fly raffle to add to the prize count. V.P. Brad Werneth will accept all donated items and bring them to the Fun Fly. 2. Khoi Tran gave a report about Walker Field as a 2nd flying field and or a replacement field if needed in the future. There was a lot of discution about the need to research a 2nd field but in the end it was motioned and approved that the club officers would gather more information and report back to the club at the August meeting. (If you have strong thought about a 2nd flying field them come to the August meeting to get the up to date info.) 3. Pylon Racing will be held at the field on August 28th, 2010 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m... The field will be closed to ALL FLYING EXCEPT RACING during this time. 4. It was dicussed that there is to much bitching and not enough “fun talk” at both the field and durring the meetings. We need to get back to what this club is all about “HAVING FUN”. In the future please keep the complaints down and FUN LEVEL up at both the field and durring the club meetings. 5. If you have any ideas on how to promote the club to the community then please share them with the club. Show and Tell: Brad Werneth brought a U.S. Aircore Barnstormer 40 to show. This is a SPAD airplane. “SPAD” stands for simple plastic aircraft design. The plane is made out of plastic sheets, the same as used for real estate signs. Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at about 2040. Brad Werneth VP, ERCA ---To the TOP of page--- ---Aug--- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the August2010 Meeting August 24th, 2010, ERCA flying field The meeting was held at the flying field in Alvadore . The meeting was called to order at 1900 by President Khoi Tran. 28 members, family and guests attended. VP Brad Werneth was away on military duty. Treasury Report: The Treasurer / Secretary, AL Barrington, read the Minutes of the July meeting and the current Treasury Report showing membership at 90 and a bank balance of $5,480.37. The Pylon Race on Aug 28th was added to the coming events. Both reports were approved. Old Business: Fund raising was mentioned. Members were invited to submit ideas and suggestions for future revenue generation. The Aug 14th Fun Fly event was declared a success with over 40 people attending throughout the day and ERCA breaking even on the costs. Walker Field – No further action from ERCA. New Business: Pylon Racing - Requested volunteers to help with upcoming events. It was noted that the club is currently $2,100 under budget and is financially sound at this time in the year. It was voted and approved to raffle one ERCA membership with Field Fee or a Renewal during the Labor Day Fun Fly, 9/6/2010. Proceeds will go to ERCA treasury. It was voted and approved to raffle one Lift-n-Lok tool box at the Labor Day Fun Fly. Proceeds will go to the ERCA treasury. New members: Daryl Dodge – voted in and approved. Peter Firth – Submitted application at the end of the meeting – needs vote and approval. Show & Tell: Jim Corbett demonstrated the Lift-N-Lok tool box. Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at about 2015. AL Barrington Sec/Treas, ERCA ---To the TOP of page--- ---Sep--- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the September 2010 Meeting Sept 28th, 2010, EWEB The meeting came to order at 1903 on 9/28/2010 with 18 members, family and guests in attendance. President Khoi Tran presided. Reading of Meeting Minutes: Treasurer / Secretary, AL Barrington, read the August meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as read. Treasury Report: The Treasurer / Secretary, AL Barrington, read the treasury report, membership is at 92. The current bank balance is at $5,654.29. The Labor Day Fun Fly raised $200.00 for the club, after prizes and food and the Pylon Racing Event raised $45.00 as well. Good job to all. Old Business: Fundraising was mentioned. Members were invited to submit ideas and suggestions for future revenue generation. The Labor Day Fun Fly event was declared a success with over 50 people attending throughout the day and over $200.00 was raised after expenses with the two raffles, one for a club membership and one for the field box. The club is close to finishing the year with $5,000.00 in the bank, this would be an increase over last year of close to $2,000.00. New Business: 1. Marty Wittman gave a safety report based on some issues that have come up over the last couple of months. During the Big Bird Fly a complaint was filed with the AMA about flying over the pit area. In the last couple of weeks a call was made to the AMA asking about flying pattern rules. Marty will put together a safety letter looking at these issues as well as others that need to be addressed. Jim Corbett will send the letter to all club members. 2. Grass clippings in front of the pit area was brought up for discussion. AL Barrington will bring out a grass sweeper to try out. If this works then the club will look in to buying the sweeper for future use. 3. Pylon Racing will be held at the field on October 23rd, 2010 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The field will be closed to ALL FLYING EXCEPT RACING during this time. Show and Tell: Marty Wittman brought out BONZO. Take a look at the PROJECTS section of the web site to see pictures. We hope to see this fun project up in the air sometime in the Spring. Good job Marty. New Members: Robert Farmer was voted in as a new member. Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at about 2023. Brad Werneth VP, ERCA ---To the TOP of page--- ---Oct--- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the October 2010 Meeting Oct 26th, 2010, EWEB Nominations: PRESIDENT: Brad Werneth, and Pat Willis. (Troy Vaughan and Marty Wittman were also named but declined.) VICE PRESIDENT: Pat Willis and Brad Werneth. (Troy Vaughan was named but declined.) SECRETARY: AL Barrington - Incumbent, and Jayne Krenz (wife of member Don Krenz) TREASURER: AL Barrington - Incumbent, Unopposed SAFETY COORDINATOR: Marty Wittman and Wayne Wahrmund Election: Is it legal and possible to do an email ballot and response to get more participation than from the hand full of members at the next meeting? Old Business: It was voted and approved to purchase the lawn sweeper I offered the club for $50. New Business: 2011 UNOFFICIAL MEETING SCHEDULE I've submitted the application to EWEB requesting the 4th Tuesdays of the months in 2011 that we will need their room. We are waiting the final word from EWEB approving our requested dates. I will advise you when I get the approval. The requested 2011 meeting dates are as follows:
New Members: Voted in and approved, Ron Hokenson, referred by Doug Devereaux. Show and Tell: The Indoor Electric Fliers displayed various ultralight planes and helicopters usually flown indoors or on really calm days outside. The National Guard Armory in Springfield has generously allowed us to use their drill floor to fly in. We usually try to fly there on Wednesday afternoons from 1300 to 1500 if the space isn't being used otherwise. Complete outfit. AL Barrington --- Minutes from the October 2010 Meeting Oct 26th, 2010, EWEB The meeting came to order at 1903 on 10/26/2010 with 19 members, family and guests in attendance. President Khoi Tran presided. Reading of Meeting Minutes: Vice President, Brad Werneth, read the August meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as read. Treasury Report: The Treasurer / Secretary, AL Barrington, read the treasury report, membership is at 93. The current bank balance is at $5,503.18 Old Business: Fundraising was mentioned. Members were invited to submit ideas and suggestions for future revenue generation. New Business: 1. The club will purchase a grass sweeper from Al Barrington for $50.00 2. Club officer nominations; President: Brad Werneth, Pat Willis Vice President: Brad Werneth, Mike Farr Secretary: Al Barrington, Jayne Krenz Treasurer: Al Barrington Safety Coordinator: Marty Wittman, Wayne Wahrmund Show and Tell: Frank Blain brought in ZUZS. A carbon fiber pattern flyer with a YS 140 engine. The Indoor Electric Fliers displayed various ultra light planes and helicopters. New Members: Ron Hokenson was voted in as a new member. Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at about 2003. Brad Werneth VP, ERCA ---To the TOP of page--- ---Nov--- Eugene R/C Aeronauts Minutes from the November 2010 Meeting Nov 23rd, 2010, EWEB The meeting came to order at 1900 on 11/23/2010 with 12 members, family and guests in attendance. President Khoi Tran presided. Reading of Meeting Minutes: Vice President, Brad Werneth, read the August meeting minutes. The minutes were approved as read. Treasury Report: The Treasurer / Secretary, AL Barrington, read the treasury report, membership is at 94. The current bank balance is at $5,550.43 Old Business: Fundraising was mentioned. Members were invited to submit ideas and suggestions for future revenue generation. New Business: 1. In the future we want to incurage online voting for officers. The online voting will be for all those that can’t make it to the meetings but still want to have there ballot count. The online ballot was in the November newsletter this year and it will be there again next year. 2. Voting for club officers; President: Brad Werneth Vice President: Mike Farr Secretary: Jayne Krenz Treasurer: Al Barrington Safety Coordinator: Marty Wittman MEMBER OF THE YEAR will be voted on at the January meeting. It will be between Jim Corbett, Marty Wittman, and Pat Willis. Come and vote in January. MEMBER of the YEAR 2010 Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at about 1945. Brad Werneth VP, ERCA ---To the TOP of page--- ---Dec--- ---To the TOP of page---