Officers Corner 2018

Officers Corner 2018

ERCA Officers 2018

President                Roger Dahl           541-579-5959
Vice President:   Frank Blain           541-345-7449 – 541.954.2342
Secretary               Dave Fenner          541-461-0820 –
Treasurer              Jeff Lutz                    541-689-3567 –
Safety Officer    Warren Edwards  541-995-8437


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President’s Corner           Eugene RC Aeronauts


“Each week thousands of people fly an airplane without ever leaving the ground.

The Eugene RC Aeronauts welcome you to the incredible sport of remote control aviation.”


Roger Dahl



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Happy New Year!

I’d like to welcome you all, as we begin a new year as the Eugene R/C Aeronauts!

We start this year with a fresh, firm, beautiful grass runway, thanks in great part to Jim Corbett, our green thumbed field maintenance supervisor!
Jim spent countless hours last fall to oversee the steps required to give us the wonderful field that we will all enjoy for many years to come!

We will be having our first club meeting of the year next Tuesday, the 16th, and I am hoping for a good turnout! We use our meetings as a launchpad for events during the year. If you want to see certain things happen during the year, they begin with our monthly meetings. Our January meeting helps us to set event priorities for our yearly budget meeting, which our leadership does between our January and February meetings.

I would love to see some new event ideas for this year!

See you soon,

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Hey All,
I want to welcome you all, as we “March” into better weather ahead!
We have started to see signs of Spring, and if we keep our fingers crossed, we might see even more blue sky this month!
We have come together for our yearly budget meeting, and are hoping to do, as well this year, hitting our budget, as we did last year!
We will be having our club meeting on Tues. 3/20, at Abby’s Pizza, and would like to see as many of you as possible! Our first event of the year, on Memorial Day, will be here before you know it, and we want to begin planning for that!
I really would like those of you who have not paid your dues for 2018 to please get that done! The dues should be already collected, and it causes an unnecessary burden on those who volunteer for the club, when they are not paid on time.
See you soon,


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Hey All,
One of my favorite things about Spring is watching the days getting longer a little more each day!
It reminds me that summer is coming!
I’d like to invite all our members to take advantage of our lovely flying field as the weather allows! We really have a nice place to enjoy our hobby!
Join us this month for our club meeting!
See you there!


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And suddenly, summer arrived!

Hey All,
It’s that time of year! Time to get out and look up into a blue sky!
Please plan on coming out to our club meeting this Saturday, to eat some health dogs, and discuss things that fly!
We had a good month of May, with two different flying events, and are looking forward to more good times this year! I want to especially say Thank You to Jeff Lutz for his organizing those two events! Jeff even ate the smoke from the BBQ! Thanks Jeff!
Our flying field is in great shape thanks to our green thumb recipient, Jim Corbett! Be sure to take the time to say thanks, and offer any help that you can, as there seems to be always something we can help out with.
Hope to see a record turnout this weekend!



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Vice President’s Corner    Eugene RC Aeronauts


Blain, Frank

Frank Blain

Phones  41-345-7449 – 541.954.2342




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Secretary’s Corner    Eugene RC Aeronauts


Fenner, Dave2

Dave Fenner

Email address:


January 2018
There was not a December meeting so no minutes.

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Meeting Minutes:
Meeting called to order at 7:04

Events for 2018 were discussed they are as followed:
Winter build maiden day May 26
Memorial day fun fly May 28
Warbird fly July 7
Monsterfest August 10-12
Labor day fun fly Sept 3

Club members discussed park flyer rule for club to encourage new members.

Jim reported elk have crossed the west end of runway. He will fill in hoof prints when he can. For now watch out for holes at west end of runway.

Jim reported that we need to change out the wind sock. We have a spare but will need to be done when at least three people are at the field.

Meetings at the field this summer will be held on Saturdays. There will be a bbq and we can fly before and after the meetings. Time of meetings is still undecided but somewhere around mid day. Hopefully this will encourage more people to attend meetings. If nothing else it will give members one day a month we can get together and fly and B.S.

Show and tell: Mel brought his UFO and I brought my Extra 300s.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:58

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Secretary’s Report for March 2018

February 20, 2018 meeting minutes

Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm.

Old Business:

MonsterFest dates are up in the air at this point possibly August 24-26

Club members were open to the idea of a possible IMAC event at the field more research would need to be done as to what was expected of the members.

New business:

Frank will be building a nice field table and Merry Cohen will have a plaque made to memorialize Mickey Cohen.

The decision was made to rename The Winter Build Challenge. It will be called the Mickey Cohen Memorial build challenge. It will be held May 26. The new field table will be placed, and we will affix the plaque to it.

Frank Blain had a couple of Mickeys planes at the meeting for sale.

Meeting adjourned at 7:46

All members of the Eugene RC Aeronauts are encouraged to attend this event. There will be several maiden flights as well a club sponsored BBQ and time to reminisce about the good times we all spent flying with Mickey.

The Creswell RC Flyers have been invited to attend as well.

Yours Truly, Jeff Lutz

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Treasurers report for April 2018

Balance as of March 15, 2018:$7,064.00

Checks written for:
Jim Corbett field exp. $31.56
US Bank paper statement fee: $5.00
Oregon Department of Justice $20.00
Club Corporation fee: $50.00
Total expenses for April 2018 $106.56

Income for March
Member dues $710.00

Total income for March $710.00

Balance as of April 11 2018

The next meeting is Tuesday April 17 at Abby’s River rd. 7:00 p.m. Hopefully the weather will start to change soon and we will be able to take advantage of the new field Jim Corbett has worked so hard on.

Sincerely, Treasurer Jeff Lutz


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Treasurers report for May 2018

Balance as of April 11, 2018 $7,667.44

Checks written for:
AMA sanction for Monster Fest: $50.00
Gravel for road leading to Mikes house and field:$195.62
Service field toilet: $69.75
New field sprinklers and field expenses: $1,224.16
US Bank paper statement fee:$5.00
Order of checks from US Bank: $21.50
Total expenses for April: $1,566.03

Income for April
New member fees for Cecil Bell:$141.25
Total Income for April:$141.25

Balance as of May 9, 2018: $6,242.66

The next meeting is at Abby’s River Rd. 7:00 P.M. After that the next 4 meetings will be at the field on the third Saturday of the month. Don’t forget the maiden flight day for the winter build planes is May 26. We will also be placing a new field table in memory of Mickey Cohen. Be sure to come to watch the maiden flights of at least 6 new planes and have a bite to eat. I will be grilling hamburgers and hot dogs.
Sincerely, Jeff Lutz Treasurer

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Treasurer’s report for June 2018

Balance as of May 9 2018:$6,242.66

Checks written for:
Winco BBQ supplies for Winter build maiden day and
Memorial Day fun fly: $109.97
Propane for BBQ: $19.99
Awards for Winter Build Challenge: $80.00
US Bank paper statement fee: $5.00
Above all Sanitation: $69.75

Total Expenses for June 2018: $284.71

Income for June:
New member Martin Booth: $140.00
BBQ donations: $84.00

Total Income for June: $224.00

Balance as of June 12, 2018: $6,181.95

This month we had the maiden flights of 6 planes that were built by club members for the Mickey Cohen Memorial build challenge. It was a fantastic day with the winds being calm all day. We also honored Mickey Cohen by releasing 83 red and purple helium balloons. Thank you, Mary Cohen, for supplying the balloons and for joining us in a very special day at the field. The BBQ donations for the day were donated to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. We raised $130.00. Thanks to all that donated.Also, thanks go out to the pilots that participated in the build challengePat Willis, Oliver Willis, Darren Faiman, Frank Blain, Chick Foster, Dwayne Graville, Warren Edwards and yours truly. It was a great deal of fun and I look forward to doing it again next year. I have a feeling we will have a few more planes in next year’s maiden party. Don’t forget the meeting is at the field this coming Saturday. I will have beans, burgers and hotdogs for lunch at noon. Meeting at 1:00.
See you at the field Sincerely,
Jeff Lutz


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Treasurer’s report for July 2018

Balance as of June 12, 2018: $6,181.95
Checks written for:
Winco BBQ supplies for June meeting: $60.21
Winco BBQ supplies for warbird fly: $73.09
Above All Sanitation toilet pump for June: $69.75
Delps awards for warbird event: $48.00
Jim Corbett field expenses: $138.90
US bank paper statement fee: $5.00
Total Expenses for July 2018: $394.95

Income for July:
Member dues: $122.50
BBQ donations $66.00
Swap meet donations: $652.00
Pilot fees from warbird fly: $90.00
Total income for July: $930.50
Balance as of July 12, 2018: $6717.50

See you at the meeting, Sincerely Jeff Lutz

P.S. Please bring a side dish for the BBQ on Saturday i.e….cookies, cake, potato chips, beverages



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Treasurers Corner          Eugene RC Aeronauts

Lutz, Jeff

Jeff Lutz

.Mailing address: Eugene R/C Aeronauts • P.O. Box 26344, Eugene OR 97402

Email address:





Eugene RC Aeronauts 2018 paid members (as of this report)

Roger Dahl Frank Blain Jeff Lutz
Warren Edwards Doug McWha Mike Burgess
Roger Winz Al Barrington Mickey Cohen Chick Foster
Don Hansen John Farkas John Farkas Jim Thomas
Dwayne Graville Dave Fenner Dave Fenner Tom Kopriva
Chuck O’Donnel Ron Hokenson Don Shiltz Dave Shiltz
Mel Graham Richard Walker Kurt Hiner Brad Werneth
Robert Funk Bill Martins Doyle Cook Jim Corbett

Treasurers report for February 2018

Balance as of November 14, 2017: $7078.24

Checks written for:
Abby’s Pizza $133.53
Jim Corbett field expenses $68.53
Mike Burgess field lease $1,500.00
P.O. Box fee and stamps $132.00
Club charter and Insurance doc. $120.00
US bank paper statement fee x2: $10.00
Total expenses for December and January: $1,964.06

Member Dues $1,295.00
Donation from Eugene Toy and hobby $30.00
Total income for December and January: $1,325.00

Balance as of February 12, 2018: $6,439.18

This month’s meeting is Tuesday Feb. 20 at Abby’s River rd. The pizza is on the club this month so make sure to come have some pizza and pay your dues if you have not yet done so. Also, there is a date for the maiden flights of the Winter Build Challenge planes set. See flyer. I am working on the final systems install on my build. All that will remain after that is to have a coupe graphics cut and install them.
See you at the meeting,
Jeff Lutz.



Treasurers report for March 2018

Balance as of February 12, 2018: $6,439.18

Checks written for:
Abby’s pizza meeting $155.18
US Bank paper statement fee: $5.00

Total expenses for March 2018 $160.18

Income for March
Member dues $765.00
Pizza donations $20.00

Total income for March $785.00

Balance as of March 15, 2018

The field is in great shape. I was out on Saturday and flew most of the day. Thanks Jim Corbett for the fantastic work on the new runway. This month’s meeting is at Abby’s River Rd. Tuesday March 20th. After this meeting anyone that has not paid their dues will be dropped from the club roster and will need to pay an extra $25 to be reinstated. This means flying privileges are suspended until dues are current.

Sincerely, Treasurer Jeff Lutz





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Safety Coordinator

Eugene RC Aeronauts

Warren Edwards



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Nothing to report this month.

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Contest Director      Eugene RC Aeronauts










Brad Werneth





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Officers Corner Archive

Officers Corner 2013   Officers Corner 2014    Officers Corner 2015   Officers Corner 2016  

Officers Corner 2017