Officers Corner 2019

Officers Corner 2019

ERCA Officers 2019

President                Roger Dahl           541-579-5959
Vice President:   Frank Blain           541-345-7449 – 541.954.2342
Secretary               Dave Fenner          541-461-0820 –
Treasurer              Jeff Lutz                    541-689-3567 –
Safety Officer     Mike Burgess        541-998-1839 –

To President’s Corner   |   To VP’s Corner   |   To Secretary’s Corner   |  To Treasurer’s Corner   |
To Safety Officer’s Corner   |  To Contest Director’s Corner   |

President’s Corner           Eugene RC Aeronauts


“Each week thousands of people fly an airplane without ever leaving the ground.

The Eugene RC Aeronauts welcome you to the incredible sport of remote control aviation.”

Roger Dahl

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Hey All,
Well, It’s February! The football season has officially come to an end!
I hope this finds you all having a wonderful winter!
The snow has been teasing us here in the Southern Willamette Valley by displaying itself in the Coburg Hills, for the most part!
I have been working on my winter build model, and it is always nice to hear the rain outside, and knowing it is piling snow in the mountains, where it belongs, I might add!

The Eugene RC Aeronauts will be having our “All Expenses Paid, Exclusive Hand Held Dinner Meeting” on Tuesday, the 19th of February!
If you have not renewed your membership, please come to the club meeting this month, and do so, while enjoying the company of fellow balsa dust breathers!

May the effects of gravity go easy on your planes this year! Hope to see you all soon!

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Hey All,
Is it gonna snow, or be warm and beautiful? It must be almost Spring!
I’ve been working like one of Santa’s elves to try to get my winter build airplane to turn into a Spring flying plane! The recent warm sunny days are mocking me, and saying “you’ll never make it”, but I’m pushing on!
This time of year is always fun to see, as we start coming out of hibernation, and look for the fun ahead of us!
I hope you can join us for this month’s meeting!


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Hey All,

So, it looks like we have many “Float Fly” locations suddenly popping up all around the valley, as rough fields are transformed into smooth, shallow “lakes”!
We should have known that snow in March would be followed up with flooding in April! Any guesses on what comes next?

Working on my airplane for the Mickey Cohen Memorial Winter Build has been high on my “to do” list, as we are quickly running out of “Winter”!
I hope those who are going to participate are beginning to wrap things up for the May 18 big day! Nothing motivates like a deadline!

Our club meeting will be on Tuesday, April 16 this month, at Abby’s Pizza on River Road! I hope to see all of you there!

Roger Dahl

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Hi All,
I love this time of year, when the Sun comes a bit closer, and everything comes back to life! I have been enjoying some videos posted by others out at our flying field and want to once again say thanks to our Flying Field Lawn Maintenance Supervisor Extraordinaire, (FFLMSE) Jim Corbett, for making our field a premiere location to enjoy this hobby! Jim spends an enormous amount of time working on things at the field, and somehow sneaks it by his Wife! I’m kidding! Thanks Jim!

I have been trying to finish up my Waco biplane to make the May 18th date for our Mickey Cohen Winter Build Challenge! I think I can! I think I can!…

The club took part in the Creswell swap meet last Saturday, and we made around $250.00, and I had fun catching up with some guys from various clubs and letting them take advantage of my lack of sales skills!

I hope to see you all at our next meeting!


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Hi All,

We recently had our first fly in of the season. It was on Memorial Day! Thank You to all the Vets who have served in a branch of the Military!

With the 75th anniversary of D-Day coming just a week and a half later, it has been a wonderful time to remember those who served this country, and especially those who gave all in doing so.
Let us never take lightly the price that has been paid for the freedoms we enjoy in this country, and remember what a special place on this planet, The United States of America is.

This year, we combined our Memorial Day Fly in with our Mickey Cohen Memorial Winter Build Challenge, due to some liquid sunshine earlier in the month. It was great to see kit built planes escaping the “surely bonds of Earth, “ for the first time.

Frank Blain set the bar Way High with his lovely Cessna 310, built from a Bud Nosen Kit. It was piloted by Pat Willis, and although experiencing some engine trouble, it remained in one very large Piece!
Jeff Lutz was able to maiden his beautiful Balsa USA Citabria Aerobatic Pro! Martin Booth brought his Stick 40 plus, and he flew it, and Sam Hyatt flew his Decathlon.
I was able to maiden my WACO UPF-7, and it rewarded me with a greased landing!
A big Thank You to Jeff Lutz for feeding us all, and thanks to you all, for your donations to help cover the cost!

Last night, I finished a Goldberg Extra 300 kit, that I bought in 1995, and have “taken my time” putting together! 24 years? That’s got to be some kind of record!
It will be “going out for a spin” soon!

Those who do not suffer from Hay fever are enjoying the warm, sunny days of June, and the flying field is in great shape, so come out and enjoy it!

NOTAM: Meeting Date Change
We will be having our club meeting on the 29th, at the field. I have recently realized that on our scheduled day, the Creswell RC club will be having a fly in/swap meet, so I would like to move our meeting back one week.


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Hey All,
I hope you all are enjoying the summer and are taking advantage of our fine flying field!
We are coming up on our biggest event of the year, and I would love to see all of our members taking part to make it a great time for all!
We will have our club meeting at the field on the 17th of August. Lunch will be at noon, with the meeting at 1 p.m.
I hope to see you all!


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Hi all,

The summer is waning, and the days are starting to shorten!
It’s been a good summer, with lots of dry days, but the last week has been exciting, with lots of rain, and thunderstorms!
We would like to lay some sand down on the runway, but we need some dry days to help us out, or we will do damage to the runway while applying the sand! We will need to see how things go, and we will send out a NOTAM if/when it is time to do it.
Please join us for our last outdoor meeting of the year! It will be held on September 21st, at 1:00 p.m.

See you then!

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Hey All,
The leaves are falling. The days are shorter. The Ducks are playing well. Life is good!
We will soon be having our last Club Meeting of 2019. It has been a good year, and I have enjoyed the good times we have had this year.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for Your help in making our club successful in the events of the past year, as well as the day to day helpers who mow, and maintain our sprinkler system. We couldn’t have the club that we do without all those who help to maintain our lovely field, thanklessly, during the year.
We would like to buy you all pizza at our upcoming meeting, so bring something to show the group, and we will see you then! Rog

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Hi All,
I’d like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
I hope this finds you all having a great year end!
We have had a wonderful year, and I’m very thankful for all that have carried the load to help the Eugene RC Aeronauts welcome new members, and have a good time promoting this hobby that we enjoy!
We will not be having a meeting this month, (December) nor a meeting in January! We want you all to enjoy your families in this time, and we will reconvene in February, and will welcome you all with free pizza and drinks to welcome you all!
Our November meeting was “petite”, but we had a good time, and our newsletter publisher, Mr. Al Barrington, has volunteered for the next year to become the Vice President. This was a welcome surprise, and we thank Al for all that he does for the club!
I hope you all are finding time to work on something that may actually fly!
Be safe and enjoy the winter months!

See you in February, Roger Dahl

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To President’s Corner   |   To VP’s Corner   |   To Secretary’s Corner   |  To Treasurer’s Corner   |
To Safety Officer’s Corner   |  To Contest Director’s Corner   |   To Forum Administrator Corner

Vice President’s Corner    Eugene RC Aeronauts

Blain, Frank

Frank Blain

Phones  41-345-7449 – 541.954.2342


To President’s Corner   |   To VP’s Corner   |   To Secretary’s Corner   |  To Treasurer’s Corner   |
To Safety Officer’s Corner   |  To Contest Director’s Corner   |   To Forum Administrator Corner

Secretary/Treasurers Corner

Eugene RC Aeronauts

Lutz, Jeff

Jeff Lutz

.Mailing address: Eugene R/C Aeronauts • P.O. Box 26344, Eugene OR 97402

Email address:

January 2019

Meeting Minutes November 2018
Meeting called to order 7:10
Meeting minutes and treasurers report read and approved.
Election of officers was held: Results
President: Roger Dahl
Vice President: Frank Blain
Treasurer/ Secretary: Jeff Lutz
Safety Officer: Mike Burgess Mike Stafford has donated his planes and parts to the club and Roger had them available for sale. Dave Carlstrom mentioned a newsletter that he would like to have our events listed in. I will try to find out which newsletter it is and share our events with the editor. Jim Corbett said he would store the wizard mower back in the shed at the field until mowing season comes around and then try to sell it again. Winter indoor flying is happening now on Wednesdays at Noon. Inside Willamalane sports complex in Springfield. Contact Jim for more info if interested. The winter build challenge is going on right now. Maiden flights will happen this May. Contact me for info if interested. Pictures of the ongoing builds should be in this newsletter.
See you at the January meeting, Abby’s River Rd.
7:00 Tuesday, Jan 15
Sincerely Jeff Lutz

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No minutes

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Meeting Minutes February 20, 2019
• Meeting called to order at 7:06 P.M.
• Treasurers report read and approved
• Old Business: None
• New Business:
1. Meetings will be at Abby’s thru May and then will be held at the field on Saturdays thru September.
• Event dates were discussed and are as follows:
1. May 18 Maiden flight for winter build challenge.
2. May 27 Memorial Day fun fly
3. July 6 Warbird fly Dust off those warbirds and bring them to the field
4. August 23-25 MonsterFest
5. September 2 Labor Day fun fly
• The need for a new sandwich board was brought up. Jeff and Frank will collaborate on a new board.
• Show and tell: Jeff brought his Citabria Pro build and new member Trevor Tomlin brought a edf jet.

That’s all folks, Yours truly Jeff Lutz

PS membership dues are past due get them paid if you haven’t already.

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April meeting minutes

• Meeting called to order at 7:05 P.M.
• Treasurers report read and approved

Old Business:
• Field conditions were discussed.
• Toilet service will resume in early May.

Winter Build maiden day is a little over a week away. Saturday May 18 is the day. We will start the flights between 9 and 10 a.m. I have a Sig 4 star 40 to raffle off to builders and a pack of servo screws from RTL fasteners to raffle off. Also, I will cook lunch for those in attendance and donations will go to the Kiwanis Club of Fern Ridge to support Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. After we are done with the maiden flights the field will be open for fun flying. So, come out and watch some new kit-built planes take flight, eat some lunch and then fly a little yourself.

See you there, Jeff Lutz.

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Minutes from last meeting: May 21, 2019

Meeting called to order at 7:05
Old business: Members approved buying a new sandwich board for Hwy. 99 to use during events Jeff to purchase.
New signs for safety fence need to be made. Jeff will take care of.
New business: Winter challenge maiden day was moved to Memorial Day.
Jim sold the Wizard mower for $150.00

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Minutes from last meeting: June 29, 2019

Treasurers report and meeting minutes read and approved

The Warbird event was discussed.
Al said the Kiwanis were willing to help with the BBQ on July 7.
Roger had planes that were donated for sale.
Oliver Willis is trying to get prizes for MonsterFest donated.
Club members ok’ed spending $1,200.00 on raffle prizes and $200.00 for kids prizes for the candy drop.
Brad Werneth will pick up prizes for MonsterFest.
Al asked for members that would be willing to do a demo for a Scout Day Camp on July 12th.

Wayne Hoard asked if anyone was willing to do a demo at Wing Ding.
A full scale event.

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Meeting Minutes October 2019

• Meeting called to order 7:03
• Treasurers report read and approved
• New Business:
• US bank is charging us a $5 paper statement fee so we discussed having the statement sent electronically.
• Jim reported on the sanding of the runway.
• New tarp is installed on the cover.
• List of events were discussed and are as follows:
o Memorial Day fun fly May 25th
o Winter build challenge maiden day June 6th
o Warbird event July 11th
o MonsterFest August 14th-16th
o Labor Day fun fly September 7th
• These dates are not written in stone except for Memorial and Labor Day.
• The club is always open to new events so if any members have other event ideas please let us know.

There will be no January Meeting.
The first meeting of the new year will be February.

• The idea of asking Above All Sanitation to sponsor us was brought up. I have asked about this and am awaiting a response.

See you all at the meeting. Tuesday, Nov 19, 7pm, at Abby’s.

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Meeting minutes for November 2019

The turnout for the November meeting was pathetic to say the least. This was the club’s election meeting and I think we had 6 people show up. At this point I wonder to myself if it’s even worth having monthly meetings at all. It seems as no club members have any interest in attending them. Anyway, that’s enough of a rant. The clubs elected officials are as follows:

President: Roger Dahl
Vice President: Al Barrington
Secretary/Tres.: Jeff Lutz
Safety Officer: Mike Burgess

There will be no meeting in January so we will see everyone in February.

P.S. Don’t forget that membership dues are being collected at this point so please get them in the mail.

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To President’s Corner   |   To VP’s Corner   |   To Secretary’s Corner   |  To Treasurer’s Corner   |
To Safety Officer’s Corner   |  To Contest Director’s Corner   |   To Forum Administrator Corner

Treasurers Corner          Eugene RC Aeronauts

Lutz, Jeff

Jeff Lutz

.Mailing address: Eugene R/C Aeronauts • P.O. Box 26344, Eugene OR 97402

Email address:


Treasurers report for January 2019
Balance as of November 15, 2018: $6,310.34
Checks written for:
Mike Burgess Field lease: $1,500.00
Abby’s Pizza: $160.64
Above all sanitation: $69.75
Total Expenses for Nov-Dec: $1,730.39
Income for November/ December:
Membership Dues: $796.00
Total Income: $796.00
Balance as of January 8 2019: $5,375.95
Membership dues for 2019 are now due. Please either mail your dues in or come to the next meeting and pay in person. I would like to see this process not take until the end of summer. Members paying late create extra work for me. And as of this time there is no compensation for being the treasurer. SO, HELP ME OUT PLEASE. Pay your dues on time. PS we will be discussing upcoming events for the upcoming year at the next couple of meetings so if you would like to see a new event or two happen, come to the meeting and let’s make it happen. Also, don’t forget the Winter Build Challenge is happening now so please feel free to join in with your build. Maiden flights will happen this May. There is still time to build a plane.
Sincerely, Jeff Lutz


Starting balance $5,375.95
Checks written for:
Jim Corbett newsletter exp. $58.12
AMA club charter and field ins. $120.00
US Bank paper statement fee: $5.00
Total Expenses for February: $183.12
Income for February:
Membership dues: $1105.00
Balance as of 2/13/19 $6,270.40

The next meeting is at Abby’s River Rd. Tuesday February 19 at 7pm.
If you haven’t paid your dues yet. Stop by and pay them in person
at the meeting and save a stamp.
See you there, Sincerely Jeff Lutz


Treasurers report March 14, 2019
Starting Balance: $6,270.40
Club expenses:
Pizza for February meeting: $148.24
P.O. Box fee for 2019: $92.00
State of Oregon Corporation fee: $50.00
State of Oregon Charitable activities fee: $20.00
US Bank Paper statement fee: $5.00
Total Expenses for March 2019: $315.24

Income for March 2019:
Member dues: $745.00
Total income for March 2019: $745.00
Balance as of March 14 2019 : 6,700.16

Next meeting is at Abby’s River rd. March 19. See you there.
For members that have not paid their dues this is the last meeting to pay them. After that its a $25.00 late fee on top off the dues.


Treasurers report April 2019
Starting Balance: $6,700.16
Club expenses:
US Bank Paper statement fee: $5.00
Total Expenses for March 2019: $5.00

Income for April 2019:
Member dues: $145.00
Total income for April 2019: $145.00
Balance as of April 11, 2019 $6840.16

Next meeting is at Abby’s River rd. April 16.
See you there.

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Treasurers report May 2019
Starting Balance: $6840.16
Expenses for May:
Field expenses: $138.64
US bank paper statement fee: $5.00
Total expenses for May: $143.64

Income for May:
Member dues: $385.00
Creswell swap meet sales from donated items: $232.00
Total income for May: $617.00
Balance as of May 9, 2019: $7,313.52

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Treasurers report June 2019
Beginning balance: $7,313.52
Expenses for June
Field expenses: 135.80
US Bank paper statement fee: $5.00
Above all sanitation: $69.75
WinCo BBQ supplies for Memorial Day: $107.71
Total expenses for June: $318.26

Income for June:
Income from sale of Wizard mower: $150.00
New member fees: $135.00
Total income for June: $285.00
Balance as of June 14, 2019: $7,280.26

The next meeting is at the field on Saturday the 22nd of June. The winter build event combined with the Memorial fun fly had a great turn out and the club was able to raise $250.00 from the BBQ which was donated to the Fern Ridge Kiwanis for Doernbecher Children’s Cancer Program.
See photos of the 5 brave pilots that built planes for this year’s Mickey Cohen Memorial winter build challenge. All planes flew successfully. Congratulations builders
. See you at the field.

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Treasurers report for July 2019

Beginning balance: $7,262.80

Expenses for July:
Field Expenses $145.09
Warbird trophies $85.00
Signboard for events $79.40
Above all sanitation June service $65.10
US Bank paper statement fee $5.00
BBQ Supplies June Meeting $81.63
BBQ Supplies Warbird event $95.53

Total Expenses for July $556.75

Income for July:

BBQ Donations from June meeting $72.00
Membership dues $120.00
Warbird pilot fees $140.00
BBQ donations from Warbird event $109.00
Donations for planes $50.00
Total income for July $491.00

Balance as of 7-11-19 $7197.04

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Treasurers report August 2019

Beginning balance: $7197.04
Expenses for August:
Paint for benches: $44.16
US bank paper statement fee: $5.00
Prizes for monsterfest candy drop: $200.00
Raffle prizes for Monsterfest: $1,050.00 NWRC
Above all sanitation July service: $69.75
Total expenses for August: $1,368.91
Income for August:
Member fees: $47.00
BBQ donations: $44.00
Plane donations: $50.00
Total income for August: $141.00
Balance as of August 8, 2019: $5,969.13

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Treasurers report September 2019
Beginning balance: $5,969.13
Expenses for September: August BBQ supplies: $44.37
US bank paper statement fee: $5.00
Field expenses: $317.10
BBQ supplies for MonsterFest: $133.36
Above all sanitation August service: $69.75
BBQ supplies for Labor Day fly: $37.57
Beginner plane for MonsterFest raffle: $150.00
Awards for MonsterFest: $60.00
Total expenses for September: $817.15
Income for September:
Member fees: $218.00
BBQ donations from MonsterFest: $116.00
BBQ donations for Labor Day: $46.00
Raffle donations from pilot’s raffle at MonsterFest: $1,465.00
Raffle donations from public raffle at MonsterFest: $355.00
Pilot fees from MonsterFest: $625.00
Total income for September: $2,825.00
Balance as of September 12, 2019: $7,976.98

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Treasurers report November 2019

Beginning Balance: $7,652.85

US Bank Paper Statement fee: $5.30
Field Expenses: $297.21
Above all sanitation: $69.75
BBQ supplies for Sept. meeting: $50.00
Linksky web hosting: $143.40
Total expenses: $565.66

Member dues $49.00
Plane donations: 50.00
Total income: $99.00

Balance as of Nov. 12 2019: $7,186.00

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Treasurers report December 2019

Beginning balance $7,186.00
Above all sanitation: $69.75
Abby’s pizza November meeting: $124.76
US bank analysis service charge: $10.00
Total expenses for December: $204.51

Income for December:
Member dues: $110.00
Total income for December: $110.00

Balance as of December 16, 2019: $7091.49

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As of 12-18-19

Eugene RC Aeronauts members paid for 2020

Dahl, Roger – Pres
Barrington, Al -VP
Lutz, Jeff – Sec/Treas
Burgess, Mike – Safety
Fenner, Dave
Hansen, Don
Hoard, Wayne
Kopriva, Tom
Martins, Bill
McWha, Doug
Salle, Robert
Thomas, Jim
Yarbrough, Geral

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To Safety Officer’s Corner   |  To Contest Director’s Corner   |   To Forum Administrator Corner

Safety Coordinator

Eugene RC Aeronauts


Mike Burgess

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To Safety Officer’s Corner   |  To Contest Director’s Corner   |   To Forum Administrator Corner

Contest Director      Eugene RC Aeronauts


Brad Werneth

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Officers Corner Archive

Officers Corner 2013   Officers Corner 2014    Officers Corner 2015   Officers Corner 2016  

Officers Corner 2017   Officers Corner 2018