So some of you may remember my ol' Reactor Bipe I flew a bit last year or so ago. Well in short, the thing had just problematic motors that resulted in too many forced dead stick landings. I rebuilt it twice, the 2nd time was a complete rebuild of the fuse, which I posted on RCU of the whole process.
So anyways, I lost a battery last year in it, just went dead at the down side of a stall turn, and plopped to pieces.
I ended up buying a new fuselage for it quite awhile ago, and decided its time to get her going again. Mainly so I can play around with some different wing incidence's of the top and bottom wings. Maybe apply it to a pattern plane bipe later. So I am going to do some pretty good mod's to this rebuild again.
Heres what I am starting with. Brand new fuse w/o stab and new cowling. Using the original wings, horizontal stab, original rudder, gear and canopy. (still need wheel pants)
First thing to do is strip the covering. I could save some areas, but the fuse is small enough that covering the entire fuse in the end is hardly more than half here and there.
(Stock Photo)
First glance at the new fuse with the parts resting in place.
One last look at the nice factory covering.. shame its going in the trash.
All stripped, and ready to start hacking!
Original stab cleaned up and tacked in place for alignment.