This club, which is incorporated
under the laws of the State of
Oregon, shall be known as
Oregon. The purpose of
this club is to promote the
hobby of radio-controlled model
Article II - Membership
Section 1: Any person who is
interested in participating in
the hobby of RC Airplanes and
Helicopters is eligible for
Section 2: Any member claiming
reasonable justification may
resign from this club by giving
notice to the club president.
Article III - Propositions
for Membership
Section 1: The application of
any person interested in
becoming a member of this club,
shall be sponsored by a club
member in good standing.
The membership application will
identify the applicant by name,
age, resident address,
profession or occupation and
will include the current AMA
number of the
applicant. An initiation
fee and dues required by the
By-Laws also must accompany the
membership application before it
will be considered.
Section 2: Any applicant who
meets the foregoing requirements
and who receives a vote of
approval by a majority of
members attending a regular
meeting will be eligible for
Article IV – Fee, Dues and
Section 1: Initiation fees of
this club will be paid in
accordance with the By-Laws
Section III, Fees and Dues..
Section 2: All fees and dues
shall be payable in advance, and
any member who is delinquent in
dues for three months will be
dropped from membership. Said
member may be reinstated by
making payment of those dues in
arrears and a reinstatement fee
as may be required by the
Section 3: Should any special
assessments be in order for the
promotion of club activity or
extension of its properties,
said assessments shall be
subject to investigation by
committee, and must pass by a
two-thirds vote of active
members in good standing.
Article V - Club Officers
Section 1: The elective officers
of this club shall consist of a
President, Vice- President,
Secretary/Treasurer, and at
least one Field Marshall,
(Safety Officer) who shall serve
a term of one year. The elected
officers, as a whole, shall be
referred to as the Executive
Section 2: Nominations for
elective officers shall be made
only during the two meetings
preceding the election.
Section 3: Officers shall be
elected during the last regular
meeting of November, if more
than one meeting is conducted
monthly, and the officers will
be installed and will begin
their duties January 1.
Section 4: Any elective officer
absenting himself from the club
for three consecutive regular
meeting may be removed from
office, after a resolution for
purpose shall have been offered
one week before action is taken.
Section 5: The duties of the
various officers shall be laid
down as specified in this
constitution and By-Laws of the
Section 6: The President, or
officer acting as such, shall
appoint the majority, and the
Vice-President, or officer
acting as such, shall appoint
the minority of all
Section 7: The President will
present to the membership for
approval recommendations for
members of the Board of
Directors. The members of the
Board of Directors shall hold
their offices for a term of one
year. The current President
shall be one member of the
Article VI - Trials and
Section 1: Any member
refusing or neglecting to make
payment of his/her dues to the
club, according to its By-Laws
for more than three months,
shall not be entitled to vote or
speak on any question brought
before the club, but shall be
deemed a contributing member
until suspended, dropped or
expelled, and as such shall be
entitled to visit his/her club,
and when any member becomes in
arrears for the period of two
months, the Secretary having
charge of such
accounts shall report to the
President at a regular
meeting, and at the next regular
meeting thereafter, unless the
club otherwise directs,
such member shall thereupon be
suspended: provided that before
any member can be suspended or
dropped for non-payment of dues,
notice of such contemplated
action shall be given him
by the Secretary; provided
further that the delinquent
member may pay his/her
dues in full at any time prior
to such action.
Section 2: Any members who may
have been suspended or dropped
for non- payment of dues may be
reinstated upon the payment of
the fee charged for an initiate
of the same age or such sum as
the By-Laws prescribe.
Article VII - Funds and
Section 1: The funds and
property of this club having
been raised for the benefit of
the club as a whole, cannot be
divided in any way among the
individually, or between this
club or any other club, but
shall remain the property of
this club, for its legitimate
Article VIII - By Laws
Section 1: This club may make,
alter or rescind such By-Laws,
Rules and Regulation, from time
to time, as may be considered
necessary, provided they do not
in any way contradict this
Section 2: the By-Laws of this
club are in force from the time
of their approval by two-thirds
vote of the members in good
standing at a regular club
Section 1: The regular
meetings of this club shall be
held at times and a place
agreed upon by members.
Section 2: A special meeting
may be called by the
President, either at his
direction or at the request of
five members in good standing.
No business shall be
transacted at special meetings
other than that for which the
meeting was called. Special
meetings which determine
penalties such as those
described in Article II
Section 1 and 2 or any section
of Article VI shall have at
least three elected officers
present, including the
President, who must be
Section 3: At all meetings,
the presence of 10% of the
membership shall constitute
quorum for the transaction of
business. If a quorum is not
available at three consecutive
meetings, such items that
would normally be decided only
by a quorum can be decided by
a majority vote of members
present at a regular
club meeting.
Section 4: The club meeting
shall be opened by the
President or, in his absence,
the Vice-President. Should
both the President and
Vice-President be absent, the
meeting may be opened by a
past president with seniority
being considered. Should no
such person be present, all
club business shall be
postponed until
the next regularly scheduled
Section 1: All applications
for membership must be
accompanied by the
recommendation of a club
member in good standing and
must meet other requirements
as provided in Article II,
Section 1 of the Constitution.
The initiation fee and dues
required by the By-Laws must
accompany the application. The
elected Treasurer may make
occasional exceptions and
allow partial payments toward
club dues and fees for a
period of up to three months.
If the applicant defaults in
payment, the Treasurer may
recommend to the Executive
Board that action be taken
against the applicant, up to
and including expulsion from
the club and/or collection of
money owed.
Section 2: Should the
applicant be rejected, the
admission fee shall be
returned to him, but if
elected and he fails to appear
at 3 succeeding regular
thereafter, such election will
be void and the amount paid
forfeited to the club, unless
a reasonable excuse be given.
Section 1: The initiation fee
for persons under age 19 who
are admitted to the club,
shall be $5.00. The
initiation fee for families
and for persons 19 years of
age or older, shall be $25.00.
A once-in-their lifetime
“Field Improvement Fee” of
$75.00 shall be paid by each
new member 19 years of age or
Section 2: Members reinstated
shall pay the same amount as a
new applicant of the same age
as provided in Article VI,
Section 2 of the Constitution
and Article III, Sections 4
& 5 of the By-Laws.
Section 3: Annual due will be
assessed members as follows:
Age 18 and
younger (no dues)
65-79 $55.00
Age 80 and
over $40.00
Individuals under the age of
19 who are immediate family
members of any current club
member do not pay initiation
fees or dues but must apply
membership and be approved in
the same manner as any other
applicant. New members who are
19 years of age or older and
who are not included in a
family membership, shall pay
1/12 of the appropriate dues
for each month remaining in
the year, during which they
become members. In no case
shall dues be assessed that
would exceed the appropriate
annual dues.
Section 4: All members are
required to be current AMA
members before membership is
in effect. All members must
maintain a current AMA
membership at all times or
lose active status and all
flying privileges. No
exceptions will be made.
Section 5: Clarification of
how dues are to be paid:
1: Club
dues are payable at or prior
to the first meeting of the
new year.
2: Before
dues are accepted, the club
member must show evidence of
current AMA membership for the
year in which the club dues
3: Members
still delinquent by the
February meeting will be
advised by mail or email that
dues must be paid, along with
a $10.00 late fee, by the
meeting. If this does not take
place by the March meeting
they will be dropped from the
club membership and will not
be permitted to use any
designated club flying area.
4. Dropped
members that rejoin the club
after the March meeting shall
pay the initiation fee of
($5.00 or $25.00) but not the
lifetime “Field Improvement
Fee”. They shall pay the
appropriate annual dues (no
dues for members 18 or under)
for that year. If a dropped
member rejoins after the
dropped year they
will be treated as a returning
Returning members pay only the
($5 or $25) initiation fee but
not the lifetime "Field
Improvement Fee". They shall
also pay the yearly dues as
provided by Article III of the
Section 1: No member who is in
arrears, in accordance with
the period stated in Article
VI Section 1 of the
Constitution, shall be allowed
to vote on any question before
the club.
Section 2: If any member, who
shall willfully make false or
malicious charges or
accusations against another
member, in or out of the club,
shall be subject to
suspension or expulsion,
according to the extent of the
Section 3: If any member shall
disregard the authority of the
President by persisting in the
use of improper language or
conduct himself in a
disorderly manner, the club
may inflict such penalty as
the case may require, which
may result in expulsion.
Section 4: Any member guilty
of improper conduct within the
club, or who shall knowingly
propose an unworthy person for
membership shall be subject to
suspension or expulsion, as
the club may determine.
Section 5: Any member guilty
of an infamous act against the
laws of the land shall be
Section 6: Any member guilty
of flying a model aircraft at
the ERCA flying site without
current AMA coverage will face
a suspension of up to six
months for a first offense.
Any member guilty of such
conduct a second time will be
suspended for up to 12 months
and face possible expulsion
from the club.
Section 7: Any incident in
which a non-member is found to
be flying a model aircraft
without current AMA coverage
at the ERCA flying site may be
trespassed from ERCA property
and events.
Section 8: Any action taken
against a member or non-member
of the club when decided and
voted on by the Executive
Board at a special meeting to
be arranged by the President.
The Executive Board may
exercise discretion when
assigning penalties.
Section 9: Any member who
allows their AMA membership to
lapse will be considered in
arrears of Article III Section
4 of these By-Laws and will
not be permitted to vote on
any question before the
Section 1: The elective
officers shall be voted for
separately and must receive a
majority of all votes cast to
entitle them to election. When
there are more than two
candidates for the same office
the candidate having the least
number of votes shall be
dropped at each successive
Section 2: At all elections
for officers and directors,
the Secretary shall provide
blank ballots for the use of
the members. The President
shall appoint two members who
shall count the votes cast and
declare the results to the
president, by whom it shall be
announced to the club.
Section 3: Membership shall he
notified, by mail or email
prior to club elections,
allowing them a absentee
ballot if unable to make
scheduled meetings.
Section 1: It shall be the
duty of the President to
preside at all meetings and
enforce the due observance of
the Constitution and By-Laws,
see that the officers of the
club and members of committees
perform their respective
duties, have charge of the
door, give the casting vote on
all matters and questions
(except at elections for
officers and applications for
membership), have charge of
the Charter, know and sign, if
necessary, all warrants drawn
by the Secretary or the
Treasurer, for sums as shall
have been voted upon by the
club, and perform such
other duties as pertains to
his office.
Section 2: The Vice-President
shall assist the President in
the performance of his duties,
appoint the minority in all
committees, preside in the
absence of the president, and
perform all other duties
required of him. The
Vice-President shall act as
the Director of contest
activities approved by club
Section 3: The Secretary shall
keep and correct records of
all proceedings of the club,
write and issue all
communications and notices
ordered by the club, notify
members in arrears, as
provided in Article IV Section
1 of the Constitution and
perform such other duties that
may be required of him.
Section 4: The Treasurer shall
receive from the Secretary all
moneys of the club, giving a
receipt for the same, pay all
orders drawn on him by the
Secretary and signed or noted
by the President, have book in
which he shall keep a full
account of all money received
and dispersed. He shall after
the last meeting of his term,
furnish the club with a full
report of all receipts and
disbursements of the
Section 1: The board of
directors shall consist of
five members, one of whom
shall be the President.
Section 2: It shall be the
duty of the Directors to
perform such functions as
required by the club
concerning any major issue
that may affect the club as a
whole They shall receive, from
the Treasurer, such sums of
money needed to expedite the
clubs activities, act as a
body in fulfilling the needs
of the club, their findings
and decisions to be voted upon
by the members, acquire, in
the performance of their
duties (under the
supervision of the club), and
perform all other
duties, pertaining to them, in
accordance with the desires of
the club.
Section 1: At the beginning of
each term, the President and
Vice-President may appoint a
Finance Committee to consist
of three members, whose duty
it shall be to examine all
accounts brought before the
club and initial also to
inspect and audit the accounts
of the Secretary arid
Treasurer and all other
officers or
committees who may be charged
with the receipt and
disbursement of the club
Section 2: At any time, the
President and Vice President
may appoint a committee to
research, review, or enact a
project or proposal made by
the majority at a regular
meeting. This committee will
be dissolved once its purpose
has been served in its
entirety or the project or
proposal has been rescinded or
Section 1: Current expenses of
the club may be paid at any
regular meeting by a vote of
the club.
Section 2: No funds of this
club shall be loaned to any
member or to any person or
persons outside the club.
Section 3: No expenditure
exceeding $300.00 can be made
without a majority vote at a
regular club meeting.
Section 4: Any expenditure
exceeding $1,500.00 may not be
paid, without a majority vote
at two consecutive regular
club meetings.
Section 5: An emergency
expenditure, not to exceed
$1,500.00, may be made by a
unanimous vote of all
Executive Board members.
Notification of the
expenditure shall be mailed or
emailed to all club members
Section 1: No part of these
By-Laws shall be repealed,
altered, annulled or amended,
unless a proposition, in
writing, be made at two
regular meetings prior to the
time of its being acted upon.
If two-thirds of the members
present vote in favor of such
proposed amendment, it shall
be adopted.
Section 2: All former By-Laws
are hereby repealed as of June
25, 2013.